Harris D. Bernstein, Ph.D.

Section Chief:
Protein Biogenesis Section, Genetics & Biochemistry Branch
Scientific Focus Areas: Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
A selection of recent and significant publications can be viewed below.
Select Publications
- The translocation assembly module (TAM) catalyzes the assembly of bacterial outer membrane proteins in vitro.
- Wang X, Nyenhuis SB, Bernstein HD.
- Nat Commun (2024 Aug 23) 15:7246. Abstract/Full Text
- Cryo-EM structures reveal multiple stages of bacterial outer membrane protein folding.
- Doyle MT, Jimah JR, Dowdy T, Ohlemacher SI, Larion M, Hinshaw JE, Bernstein HD.
- Cell (2022 Mar 31) 185:1143-1156.e13. Abstract/Full Text
- BamA forms a translocation channel for polypeptide export across the bacterial outer membrane.
- Doyle MT, Bernstein HD.
- Mol Cell (2021 May 6) 81:2000-2012.e3. Abstract/Full Text
- Bacterial outer membrane proteins assemble via asymmetric interactions with the BamA β-barrel.
- Doyle MT, Bernstein HD.
- Nat Commun (2019 Jul 26) 10:3358. Abstract/Full Text
- Folding of a bacterial integral outer membrane protein is initiated in the periplasm.
- Sikdar R, Peterson JH, Anderson DE, Bernstein HD.
- Nat Commun (2017 Nov 3) 8:1309. Abstract/Full Text
Additional Publications
- Small Molecule Antibiotics Inhibit Distinct Stages of Bacterial Outer Membrane Protein Assembly.
- Peterson JH, Doyle MT, Bernstein HD.
- mBio (2022 Oct 26) 13:e0228622. Abstract/Full Text
- Function of the Omp85 Superfamily of Outer Membrane Protein Assembly Factors and Polypeptide Transporters.
- Doyle MT, Bernstein HD.
- Annu Rev Microbiol (2022 Sep 8) 76:259-279. Abstract/Full Text
- Reconstitution of Bam Complex-Mediated Assembly of a Trimeric Porin into Proteoliposomes.
- Hussain S, Peterson JH, Bernstein HD.
- mBio (2021 Aug 31) 12:e0169621. Abstract/Full Text
- Bacterial Outer Membrane Proteins Are Targeted to the Bam Complex by Two Parallel Mechanisms.
- Wang X, Peterson JH, Bernstein HD.
- mBio (2021 May 4) 12. Abstract/Full Text
- The Bam complex catalyzes efficient insertion of bacterial outer membrane proteins into membrane vesicles of variable lipid composition.
- Hussain S, Bernstein HD.
- J Biol Chem (2018 Feb 23) 293:2959-2973. Abstract/Full Text
- Selective pressure for rapid membrane integration constrains the sequence of bacterial outer membrane proteins.
- Peterson JH, Plummer AM, Fleming KG, Bernstein HD.
- Mol Microbiol (2017 Dec) 106:777-792. Abstract/Full Text
- Genomic Diversity of Enterotoxigenic Strains of Bacteroides fragilis.
- Pierce JV, Bernstein HD.
- PLoS One (2016) 11:e0158171. Abstract/Full Text
- Surface-Exposed Lipoproteins: An Emerging Secretion Phenomenon in Gram-Negative Bacteria.
- Wilson MM, Bernstein HD.
- Trends Microbiol (2016 Mar) 24:198-208. Abstract/Full Text
- Looks can be deceiving: recent insights into the mechanism of protein secretion by the autotransporter pathway.
- Bernstein HD.
- Mol Microbiol (2015 Jul) 97:205-15. Abstract/Full Text
- Analysis of the outer membrane proteome and secretome of Bacteroides fragilis reveals a multiplicity of secretion mechanisms.
- Wilson MM, Anderson DE, Bernstein HD.
- PLoS One (2015) 10:e0117732. Abstract/Full Text
- Charge-dependent secretion of an intrinsically disordered protein via the autotransporter pathway.
- Kang'ethe W, Bernstein HD.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2013 Nov 5) 110:E4246-55. Abstract/Full Text
- Cell biology: All clear for ribosome landing.
- Bernstein HD.
- Nature (2012 Dec 13) 492:189-91. Abstract/Full Text
- Molecular basis for the activation of a catalytic asparagine residue in a self-cleaving bacterial autotransporter.
- Barnard TJ, Gumbart J, Peterson JH, Noinaj N, Easley NC, Dautin N, Kuszak AJ, Tajkhorshid E, Bernstein HD, Buchanan SK.
- J Mol Biol (2012 Jan 6) 415:128-42. Abstract/Full Text
- The translational regulatory function of SecM requires the precise timing of membrane targeting.
- Yap MN, Bernstein HD.
- Mol Microbiol (2011 Jul) 81:540-53. Abstract/Full Text
- Secretion of a bacterial virulence factor is driven by the folding of a C-terminal segment.
- Peterson JH, Tian P, Ieva R, Dautin N, Bernstein HD.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2010 Oct 12) 107:17739-44. Abstract/Full Text
- The conformation of a nascent polypeptide inside the ribosome tunnel affects protein targeting and protein folding.
- Peterson JH, Woolhead CA, Bernstein HD.
- Mol Microbiol (2010 Oct) 78:203-17. Abstract/Full Text
- Molecular basis for the structural stability of an enclosed β-barrel loop.
- Tian P, Bernstein HD.
- J Mol Biol (2010 Sep 17) 402:475-89. Abstract/Full Text
- Interaction of an autotransporter passenger domain with BamA during its translocation across the bacterial outer membrane.
- Ieva R, Bernstein HD.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2009 Nov 10) 106:19120-5. Abstract/Full Text
- The plasticity of a translation arrest motif yields insights into nascent polypeptide recognition inside the ribosome tunnel.
- Yap MN, Bernstein HD.
- Mol Cell (2009 Apr 24) 34:201-11. Abstract/Full Text
- Incorporation of a polypeptide segment into the beta-domain pore during the assembly of a bacterial autotransporter.
- Ieva R, Skillman KM, Bernstein HD.
- Mol Microbiol (2008 Jan) 67:188-201. Abstract/Full Text
- Autotransporter structure reveals intra-barrel cleavage followed by conformational changes.
- Barnard TJ, Dautin N, Lukacik P, Bernstein HD, Buchanan SK.
- Nat Struct Mol Biol (2007 Dec) 14:1214-20. Abstract/Full Text
- Are bacterial 'autotransporters' really transporters?
- Bernstein HD.
- Trends Microbiol (2007 Oct) 15:441-7. Abstract/Full Text
- Cleavage of a bacterial autotransporter by an evolutionarily convergent autocatalytic mechanism.
- Dautin N, Barnard TJ, Anderson DE, Bernstein HD.
- EMBO J (2007 Apr 4) 26:1942-52. Abstract/Full Text
- Protein secretion in gram-negative bacteria via the autotransporter pathway.
- Dautin N, Bernstein HD.
- Annu Rev Microbiol (2007) 61:89-112. Abstract/Full Text
- The surprising complexity of signal sequences.
- Hegde RS, Bernstein HD.
- Trends Biochem Sci (2006 Oct) 31:563-71. Abstract/Full Text
- Translation arrest requires two-way communication between a nascent polypeptide and the ribosome.
- Woolhead CA, Johnson AE, Bernstein HD.
- Mol Cell (2006 Jun 9) 22:587-98. Abstract/Full Text
- An unusual signal peptide extension inhibits the binding of bacterial presecretory proteins to the signal recognition particle, trigger factor, and the SecYEG complex.
- Peterson JH, Szabady RL, Bernstein HD.
- J Biol Chem (2006 Apr 7) 281:9038-48. Abstract/Full Text
- Efficient secretion of a folded protein domain by a monomeric bacterial autotransporter.
- Skillman KM, Barnard TJ, Peterson JH, Ghirlando R, Bernstein HD.
- Mol Microbiol (2005 Nov) 58:945-58. Abstract/Full Text
- An unusual signal peptide facilitates late steps in the biogenesis of a bacterial autotransporter.
- Szabady RL, Peterson JH, Skillman KM, Bernstein HD.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2005 Jan 4) 102:221-6. Abstract/Full Text
Last Reviewed August 2024