Robert B. Best, Ph.D.

Section Chief:
Computational Biophysics Section, Laboratory of Chemical Physics
Scientific Focus Areas: Biomedical Engineering and Biophysics, Computational Biology, Structural Biology
A selection of recent and significant publications can be viewed below.
Select Publications
- On the role of native contact cooperativity in protein folding.
- Wang D, Frechette LB, Best RB.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2024 May 28) 121:e2319249121. Abstract/Full Text
- Extreme dynamics in a biomolecular condensate.
- Galvanetto N, Ivanović MT, Chowdhury A, Sottini A, Nüesch MF, Nettels D, Best RB, Schuler B.
- Nature (2023 Jul) 619:876-883. Abstract/Full Text
- A Data-Driven Hydrophobicity Scale for Predicting Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation of Proteins.
- Dannenhoffer-Lafage T, Best RB.
- J Phys Chem B (2021 Apr 29) 125:4046-4056. Abstract/Full Text
- Co-Evolutionary Fitness Landscapes for Sequence Design.
- Tian P, Louis JM, Baber JL, Aniana A, Best RB.
- Angew Chem Int Ed Engl (2018 May 14) 57:5674-5678. Abstract/Full Text
- Folding pathway of an Ig domain is conserved on and off the ribosome.
- Tian P, Steward A, Kudva R, Su T, Shilling PJ, Nickson AA, Hollins JJ, Beckmann R, von Heijne G, Clarke J, Best RB.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2018 Nov 27) 115:E11284-E11293. Abstract/Full Text
Additional Publications
- Instrumental Effects in the Dynamics of an Ultrafast Folding Protein under Mechanical Force.
- De Sancho D, Schönfelder J, Best RB, Perez-Jimenez R, Muñoz V.
- J Phys Chem B (2018 Dec 13) 122:11147-11154. Abstract/Full Text
- An Extended Guinier Analysis for Intrinsically Disordered Proteins.
- Zheng W, Best RB.
- J Mol Biol (2018 Aug 3) 430:2540-2553. Abstract/Full Text
- Inferring properties of disordered chains from FRET transfer efficiencies.
- Zheng W, Zerze GH, Borgia A, Mittal J, Schuler B, Best RB.
- J Chem Phys (2018 Mar 28) 148:123329. Abstract/Full Text
- Highly Disordered Amyloid-β Monomer Probed by Single-Molecule FRET and MD Simulation.
- Meng F, Bellaiche MMJ, Kim JY, Zerze GH, Best RB, Chung HS.
- Biophys J (2018 Feb 27) 114:870-884. Abstract/Full Text
- Sequence determinants of protein phase behavior from a coarse-grained model.
- Dignon GL, Zheng W, Kim YC, Best RB, Mittal J.
- PLoS Comput Biol (2018 Jan) 14:e1005941. Abstract/Full Text
- How Many Protein Sequences Fold to a Given Structure? A Coevolutionary Analysis.
- Tian P, Best RB.
- Biophys J (2017 Oct 17) 113:1719-1730. Abstract/Full Text
- Phosphorylation of the FUS low-complexity domain disrupts phase separation, aggregation, and toxicity.
- Monahan Z, Ryan VH, Janke AM, Burke KA, Rhoads SN, Zerze GH, O'Meally R, Dignon GL, Conicella AE, Zheng W, Best RB, Cole RN, Mittal J, Shewmaker F, Fawzi NL.
- EMBO J (2017 Oct 16) 36:2951-2967. Abstract/Full Text
- Convergence and Sampling in Determining Free Energy Landscapes for Membrane Protein Association.
- Domański J, Hedger G, Best RB, Stansfeld PJ, Sansom MSP.
- J Phys Chem B (2017 Apr 20) 121:3364-3375. Abstract/Full Text
- Computational and theoretical advances in studies of intrinsically disordered proteins.
- Best RB.
- Curr Opin Struct Biol (2017 Feb) 42:147-154. Abstract/Full Text
- Mechanism of O(2) diffusion and reduction in FeFe hydrogenases.
- Kubas A, Orain C, De Sancho D, Saujet L, Sensi M, Gauquelin C, Meynial-Salles I, Soucaille P, Bottin H, Baffert C, Fourmond V, Best RB, Blumberger J, Léger C.
- Nat Chem (2017 Jan) 9:88-95. Abstract/Full Text
- Reconciling Intermediates in Mechanical Unfolding Experiments with Two-State Protein Folding in Bulk.
- de Sancho D, Best RB.
- J Phys Chem Lett (2016 Oct 6) 7:3798-3803. Abstract/Full Text
- Consistent View of Polypeptide Chain Expansion in Chemical Denaturants from Multiple Experimental Methods.
- Borgia A, Zheng W, Buholzer K, Borgia MB, Schüler A, Hofmann H, Soranno A, Nettels D, Gast K, Grishaev A, Best RB, Schuler B.
- J Am Chem Soc (2016 Sep 14) 138:11714-26. Abstract/Full Text
- Probing the Action of Chemical Denaturant on an Intrinsically Disordered Protein by Simulation and Experiment.
- Zheng W, Borgia A, Buholzer K, Grishaev A, Schuler B, Best RB.
- J Am Chem Soc (2016 Sep 14) 138:11702-13. Abstract/Full Text
- Computer Folding of RNA Tetraloops: Identification of Key Force Field Deficiencies.
- Kührová P, Best RB, Bottaro S, Bussi G, Šponer J, Otyepka M, Banáš P.
- J Chem Theory Comput (2016 Sep 13) 12:4534-48. Abstract/Full Text
- Structural Determinants of Misfolding in Multidomain Proteins.
- Tian P, Best RB.
- PLoS Comput Biol (2016 May) 12:e1004933. Abstract/Full Text
- Modulation of Folding Internal Friction by Local and Global Barrier Heights.
- Zheng W, de Sancho D, Best RB.
- J Phys Chem Lett (2016 Mar 17) 7:1028-34. Abstract/Full Text
- Markov state models of protein misfolding.
- Sirur A, De Sancho D, Best RB.
- J Chem Phys (2016 Feb 21) 144:075101. Abstract/Full Text
- Reduction of All-Atom Protein Folding Dynamics to One-Dimensional Diffusion.
- Zheng W, Best RB.
- J Phys Chem B (2015 Dec 10) 119:15247-55. Abstract/Full Text
- Pressure-induced structural transition of mature HIV-1 protease from a combined NMR/MD simulation approach.
- Roche J, Louis JM, Bax A, Best RB.
- Proteins (2015 Dec) 83:2117-23. Abstract/Full Text
- Sequence- and Temperature-Dependent Properties of Unfolded and Disordered Proteins from Atomistic Simulations.
- Zerze GH, Best RB, Mittal J.
- J Phys Chem B (2015 Nov 19) 119:14622-30. Abstract/Full Text
- Transient misfolding dominates multidomain protein folding.
- Borgia A, Kemplen KR, Borgia MB, Soranno A, Shammas S, Wunderlich B, Nettels D, Best RB, Clarke J, Schuler B.
- Nat Commun (2015 Nov 17) 6:8861. Abstract/Full Text
- Empirical Optimization of Interactions between Proteins and Chemical Denaturants in Molecular Simulations.
- Zheng W, Borgia A, Borgia MB, Schuler B, Best RB.
- J Chem Theory Comput (2015 Nov 10) 11:5543-53. Abstract/Full Text
- Quantitative interpretation of FRET experiments via molecular simulation: force field and validation.
- Best RB, Hofmann H, Nettels D, Schuler B.
- Biophys J (2015 Jun 2) 108:2721-31. Abstract/Full Text
- Identification of Mutational Hot Spots for Substrate Diffusion: Application to Myoglobin.
- De Sancho D, Kubas A, Wang PH, Blumberger J, Best RB.
- J Chem Theory Comput (2015 Apr 14) 11:1919-27. Abstract/Full Text
- Dependence of internal friction on folding mechanism.
- Zheng W, De Sancho D, Hoppe T, Best RB.
- J Am Chem Soc (2015 Mar 11) 137:3283-90. Abstract/Full Text
- Role of solvation in pressure-induced helix stabilization.
- Best RB, Miller C, Mittal J.
- J Chem Phys (2014 Dec 14) 141:22D522. Abstract/Full Text
- Balanced Protein-Water Interactions Improve Properties of Disordered Proteins and Non-Specific Protein Association.
- Best RB, Zheng W, Mittal J.
- J Chem Theory Comput (2014 Nov 11) 10:5113-5124. Abstract/Full Text
- Modest influence of FRET chromophores on the properties of unfolded proteins.
- Zerze GH, Best RB, Mittal J.
- Biophys J (2014 Oct 7) 107:1654-60. Abstract/Full Text
- Bootstrapping new protein folds.
- Best RB.
- Biophys J (2014 Sep 2) 107:1040-1041. Abstract/Full Text
- Molecular origins of internal friction effects on protein-folding rates.
- de Sancho D, Sirur A, Best RB.
- Nat Commun (2014 Jul 2) 5:4307. Abstract/Full Text
- Discriminating binding mechanisms of an intrinsically disordered protein via a multi-state coarse-grained model.
- Knott M, Best RB.
- J Chem Phys (2014 May 7) 140:175102. Abstract/Full Text
- Effect of interactions with the chaperonin cavity on protein folding and misfolding.
- Sirur A, Knott M, Best RB.
- Phys Chem Chem Phys (2014 Apr 14) 16:6358-66. Abstract/Full Text
- Aerobic damage to [FeFe]-hydrogenases: activation barriers for the chemical attachment of O2.
- Kubas A, De Sancho D, Best RB, Blumberger J.
- Angew Chem Int Ed Engl (2014 Apr 14) 53:4081-4. Abstract/Full Text
- Temperature-dependent solvation modulates the dimensions of disordered proteins.
- Wuttke R, Hofmann H, Nettels D, Borgia MB, Mittal J, Best RB, Schuler B.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2014 Apr 8) 111:5213-8. Abstract/Full Text
- Folding and binding: when the force is against you.
- Best RB.
- Biophys J (2013 Dec 17) 105:2611-2. Abstract/Full Text
- Variational Optimization of an All-Atom Implicit Solvent Force Field to Match Explicit Solvent Simulation Data.
- Bottaro S, Lindorff-Larsen K, Best RB.
- J Chem Theory Comput (2013 Dec 10) 9:5641-5652. Abstract/Full Text
- Engineering folding dynamics from two-state to downhill: application to λ-repressor.
- Carter JW, Baker CM, Best RB, De Sancho D.
- J Phys Chem B (2013 Oct 31) 117:13435-43. Abstract/Full Text
- Native contacts determine protein folding mechanisms in atomistic simulations.
- Best RB, Hummer G, Eaton WA.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2013 Oct 29) 110:17874-9. Abstract/Full Text
- Comparing a simple theoretical model for protein folding with all-atom molecular dynamics simulations.
- Henry ER, Best RB, Eaton WA.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2013 Oct 29) 110:17880-5. Abstract/Full Text
- The Polarizable Atomic Multipole-based AMOEBA Force Field for Proteins.
- Shi Y, Xia Z, Zhang J, Best R, Wu C, Ponder JW, Ren P.
- J Chem Theory Comput (2013) 9:4046-4063. Abstract/Full Text
Last Reviewed April 2024