Kong Y. Chen, Ph.D., MSCI

Scientific Focus Areas: Biomedical Engineering and Biophysics, Clinical Research, Epidemiology, Social and Behavioral Sciences
A selection of recent and significant publications can be viewed below.
Select Publications
- The thermoneutral zone in women takes an "arctic" shift compared to men.
- Brychta RJ, McGehee S, Huang S, Leitner BP, Duckworth CJ, Fletcher LA, Kim K, Cassimatis TM, Israni NS, Lea HJ, Lentz TN, Pierce AE, Jiang A, LaMunion SR, Thomas RJ, Ishihara A, Courville AB, Yang SB, Reitman ML, Cypess AM, Chen KY.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2024 May 7) 121:e2311116121. Abstract/Full Text
- Opportunities and challenges in the therapeutic activation of human energy expenditure and thermogenesis to manage obesity.
- Chen KY, Brychta RJ, Abdul Sater Z, Cassimatis TM, Cero C, Fletcher LA, Israni NS, Johnson JW, Lea HJ, Linderman JD, O'Mara AE, Zhu KY, Cypess AM.
- J Biol Chem (2020 Feb 14) 295:1926-1942. Abstract/Full Text
- Mapping of human brown adipose tissue in lean and obese young men.
- Leitner BP, Huang S, Brychta RJ, Duckworth CJ, Baskin AS, McGehee S, Tal I, Dieckmann W, Gupta G, Kolodny GM, Pacak K, Herscovitch P, Cypess AM, Chen KY.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2017 Aug 8) 114:8649-8654. Abstract/Full Text
- Brown Adipose Reporting Criteria in Imaging STudies (BARCIST 1.0): Recommendations for Standardized FDG-PET/CT Experiments in Humans.
- Chen KY, Cypess AM, Laughlin MR, Haft CR, Hu HH, Bredella MA, Enerbäck S, Kinahan PE, Lichtenbelt Wv, Lin FI, Sunderland JJ, Virtanen KA, Wahl RL.
- Cell Metab (2016 Aug 9) 24:210-22. Abstract/Full Text
- Room Indirect Calorimetry Operating and Reporting Standards (RICORS 1.0): A Guide to Conducting and Reporting Human Whole-Room Calorimeter Studies.
- Chen KY, Smith S, Ravussin E, Krakoff J, Plasqui G, Tanaka S, Murgatroyd P, Brychta R, Bock C, Carnero E, Schoffelen P, Hatamoto Y, Rynders C, Melanson EL.
- Obesity (Silver Spring) (2020 Sep) 28:1613-1625. Abstract/Full Text
Additional Publications
- Chronic mirabegron treatment increases human brown fat, HDL cholesterol, and insulin sensitivity.
- O'Mara AE, Johnson JW, Linderman JD, Brychta RJ, McGehee S, Fletcher LA, Fink YA, Kapuria D, Cassimatis TM, Kelsey N, Cero C, Sater ZA, Piccinini F, Baskin AS, Leitner BP, Cai H, Millo CM, Dieckmann W, Walter M, Javitt NB, Rotman Y, Walter PJ, Ader M, Bergman RN, Herscovitch P, Chen KY, Cypess AM.
- J Clin Invest (2020 May 1) 130:2209-2219. Abstract/Full Text
- Sexual Dimorphisms in Adult Human Brown Adipose Tissue.
- Fletcher LA, Kim K, Leitner BP, Cassimatis TM, O'Mara AE, Johnson JW, Halprin MS, McGehee SM, Brychta RJ, Cypess AM, Chen KY.
- Obesity (Silver Spring) (2020 Feb) 28:241-246. Abstract/Full Text
- Methodologic considerations for measuring energy expenditure differences between diets varying in carbohydrate using the doubly labeled water method.
- Hall KD, Guo J, Chen KY, Leibel RL, Reitman ML, Rosenbaum M, Smith SR, Ravussin E.
- Am J Clin Nutr (2019 May 1) 109:1328-1334. Abstract/Full Text
- Whole Body and Regional Quantification of Active Human Brown Adipose Tissue Using 18F-FDG PET/CT.
- Kim K, Huang S, Fletcher LA, O'Mara AE, Tal I, Brychta RJ, Cypess AM, Chen KY, Leitner BP.
- J Vis Exp (2019 Apr 1) Abstract/Full Text
- Comparing ActiGraph equations for estimating energy expenditure in older adults.
- Aguilar-Farias N, Peeters GMEEG, Brychta RJ, Chen KY, Brown WJ.
- J Sports Sci (2019 Jan) 37:188-195. Abstract/Full Text
- Effects of Interrupting Sedentary Behavior With Short Bouts of Moderate Physical Activity on Glucose Tolerance in Children With Overweight and Obesity: A Randomized Crossover Trial.
- Broadney MM, Belcher BR, Berrigan DA, Brychta RJ, Tigner IL Jr, Shareef F, Papachristopoulou A, Hattenbach JD, Davis EK, Brady SM, Bernstein SB, Courville AB, Drinkard BE, Smith KP, Rosing DR, Wolters PL, Chen KY, Yanovski JA.
- Diabetes Care (2018 Oct) 41:2220-2228. Abstract/Full Text
- Exercise decreases defensive responses to unpredictable, but not predictable, threat.
- Lago TR, Hsiung A, Leitner BP, Duckworth CJ, Chen KY, Ernst M, Grillon C.
- Depress Anxiety (2018 Sep) 35:868-875. Abstract/Full Text
- Is activation of human brown adipose tissue a viable target for weight management?
- Marlatt KL, Chen KY, Ravussin E.
- Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol (2018 Sep 1) 315:R479-R483. Abstract/Full Text
- Metreleptin-mediated improvements in insulin sensitivity are independent of food intake in humans with lipodystrophy.
- Brown RJ, Valencia A, Startzell M, Cochran E, Walter PJ, Garraffo HM, Cai H, Gharib AM, Ouwerkerk R, Courville AB, Bernstein S, Brychta RJ, Chen KY, Walter M, Auh S, Gorden P.
- J Clin Invest (2018 Aug 1) 128:3504-3516. Abstract/Full Text
- Comparison of Summer and Winter Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Older Adults: Age, Gene/Environment Susceptibility Reykjavik Study.
- Arnardottir NY, Oskarsdottir ND, Brychta RJ, Koster A, van Domelen DR, Caserotti P, Eiriksdottir G, Sverrisdottir JE, Johannsson E, Launer LJ, Gudnason V, Harris TB, Chen KY, Sveinsson T.
- Int J Environ Res Public Health (2017 Oct 21) 14. Abstract/Full Text
- Digital Diabetes Congress 2017.
- Klonoff DC, Kerr D, Wong JC, Pavlovic Y, Koliwad S, Hu J, Salber P, Aguilera A, Long W, Hamilton G, Chen KY, Adi S.
- J Diabetes Sci Technol (2017 Sep) 11:1045-1052. Abstract/Full Text
- Sleep deficiency on school days in Icelandic youth, as assessed by wrist accelerometry.
- Rognvaldsdottir V, Gudmundsdottir SL, Brychta RJ, Hrafnkelsdottir SM, Gestsdottir S, Arngrimsson SA, Chen KY, Johannsson E.
- Sleep Med (2017 May) 33:103-108. Abstract/Full Text
- Association of gene coding variation and resting metabolic rate in a multi-ethnic sample of children and adults.
- Hellwege JN, Velez Edwards DR, Acra S, Chen K, Buchowski MS, Edwards TL.
- BMC Obes (2017) 4:12. Abstract/Full Text
- Comparison of Sedentary Estimates between activPAL and Hip- and Wrist-Worn ActiGraph.
- Koster A, Shiroma EJ, Caserotti P, Matthews CE, Chen KY, Glynn NW, Harris TB.
- Med Sci Sports Exerc (2016 Aug) 48:1514-1522. Abstract/Full Text
- Persistent metabolic adaptation 6 years after "The Biggest Loser" competition.
- Fothergill E, Guo J, Howard L, Kerns JC, Knuth ND, Brychta R, Chen KY, Skarulis MC, Walter M, Walter PJ, Hall KD.
- Obesity (Silver Spring) (2016 Aug) 24:1612-9. Abstract/Full Text
- Energy expenditure and body composition changes after an isocaloric ketogenic diet in overweight and obese men.
- Hall KD, Chen KY, Guo J, Lam YY, Leibel RL, Mayer LE, Reitman ML, Rosenbaum M, Smith SR, Walsh BT, Ravussin E.
- Am J Clin Nutr (2016 Aug) 104:324-33. Abstract/Full Text
- Challenges Associated With Exercise Studies in Type 1 Diabetes.
- Colberg SR, Bevier WC, Pinsker JE, Lee JB, Ehrlich B, Dassau E, Doyle FJ 3rd, Chen KY, Kerr D.
- J Diabetes Sci Technol (2016 Jul) 10:993-4. Abstract/Full Text
- Influence of Day Length and Physical Activity on Sleep Patterns in Older Icelandic Men and Women.
- Brychta RJ, Arnardottir NY, Johannsson E, Wright EC, Eiriksdottir G, Gudnason V, Marinac CR, Davis M, Koster A, Caserotti P, Sveinsson T, Harris T, Chen KY.
- J Clin Sleep Med (2016 Feb) 12:203-13. Abstract/Full Text
- Association of change in brain structure to objectively measured physical activity and sedentary behavior in older adults: Age, Gene/Environment Susceptibility-Reykjavik Study.
- Arnardottir NY, Koster A, Domelen DRV, Brychta RJ, Caserotti P, Eiriksdottir G, Sverrisdottir JE, Sigurdsson S, Johannsson E, Chen KY, Gudnason V, Harris TB, Launer LJ, Sveinsson T.
- Behav Brain Res (2016 Jan 1) 296:118-124. Abstract/Full Text
- Concurrent and aerobic exercise training promote similar benefits in body composition and metabolic profiles in obese adolescents.
- Monteiro PA, Chen KY, Lira FS, Saraiva BT, Antunes BM, Campos EZ, Freitas IF Jr.
- Lipids Health Dis (2015 Nov 26) 14:153. Abstract/Full Text
- Effects of Interrupting Children's Sedentary Behaviors With Activity on Metabolic Function: A Randomized Trial.
- Belcher BR, Berrigan D, Papachristopoulou A, Brady SM, Bernstein SB, Brychta RJ, Hattenbach JD, Tigner IL Jr, Courville AB, Drinkard BE, Smith KP, Rosing DR, Wolters PL, Chen KY, Yanovski JA.
- J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2015 Oct) 100:3735-43. Abstract/Full Text
- Calorie for Calorie, Dietary Fat Restriction Results in More Body Fat Loss than Carbohydrate Restriction in People with Obesity.
- Hall KD, Bemis T, Brychta R, Chen KY, Courville A, Crayner EJ, Goodwin S, Guo J, Howard L, Knuth ND, Miller BV 3rd, Prado CM, Siervo M, Skarulis MC, Walter M, Walter PJ, Yannai L.
- Cell Metab (2015 Sep 1) 22:427-36. Abstract/Full Text
- Does Visceral Fat Estimated by Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry Independently Predict Cardiometabolic Risks in Adults?
- Sasai H, Brychta RJ, Wood RP, Rothney MP, Zhao X, Skarulis MC, Chen KY.
- J Diabetes Sci Technol (2015 Jul) 9:917-24. Abstract/Full Text
- Ability of thigh-worn ActiGraph and activPAL monitors to classify posture and motion.
- Steeves JA, Bowles HR, McClain JJ, Dodd KW, Brychta RJ, Wang J, Chen KY.
- Med Sci Sports Exerc (2015 May) 47:952-9. Abstract/Full Text
- RM-493, a melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) agonist, increases resting energy expenditure in obese individuals.
- Chen KY, Muniyappa R, Abel BS, Mullins KP, Staker P, Brychta RJ, Zhao X, Ring M, Psota TL, Cone RD, Panaro BL, Gottesdiener KM, Van der Ploeg LH, Reitman ML, Skarulis MC.
- J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2015 Apr) 100:1639-45. Abstract/Full Text
- Metabolic adaptation following massive weight loss is related to the degree of energy imbalance and changes in circulating leptin.
- Knuth ND, Johannsen DL, Tamboli RA, Marks-Shulman PA, Huizenga R, Chen KY, Abumrad NN, Ravussin E, Hall KD.
- Obesity (Silver Spring) (2014 Dec) 22:2563-9. Abstract/Full Text
- Temperature-acclimated brown adipose tissue modulates insulin sensitivity in humans.
- Lee P, Smith S, Linderman J, Courville AB, Brychta RJ, Dieckmann W, Werner CD, Chen KY, Celi FS.
- Diabetes (2014 Nov) 63:3686-98. Abstract/Full Text
- Midlife determinants associated with sedentary behavior in old age.
- van der Berg JD, Bosma H, Caserotti P, Eiriksdottir G, Arnardottir NY, Martin KR, Brychta RJ, Chen KY, Sveinsson T, Johannsson E, Launer LJ, Gudnason V, Jonsson PV, Stehouwer CD, Harris TB, Koster A.
- Med Sci Sports Exerc (2014 Jul) 46:1359-65. Abstract/Full Text
- Evolution of accelerometer methods for physical activity research.
- Troiano RP, McClain JJ, Brychta RJ, Chen KY.
- Br J Sports Med (2014 Jul) 48:1019-23. Abstract/Full Text
- Changes in daily activity patterns with age in U.S. men and women: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2003-04 and 2005-06.
- Martin KR, Koster A, Murphy RA, Van Domelen DR, Hung MY, Brychta RJ, Chen KY, Harris TB.
- J Am Geriatr Soc (2014 Jul) 62:1263-71. Abstract/Full Text
- Separating bedtime rest from activity using waist or wrist-worn accelerometers in youth.
- Tracy DJ, Xu Z, Choi L, Acra S, Chen KY, Buchowski MS.
- PLoS One (2014) 9:e92512. Abstract/Full Text
- Irisin and FGF21 are cold-induced endocrine activators of brown fat function in humans.
- Lee P, Linderman JD, Smith S, Brychta RJ, Wang J, Idelson C, Perron RM, Werner CD, Phan GQ, Kammula US, Kebebew E, Pacak K, Chen KY, Celi FS.
- Cell Metab (2014 Feb 4) 19:302-9. Abstract/Full Text
- Brown fat activation mediates cold-induced thermogenesis in adult humans in response to a mild decrease in ambient temperature.
- Chen KY, Brychta RJ, Linderman JD, Smith S, Courville A, Dieckmann W, Herscovitch P, Millo CM, Remaley A, Lee P, Celi FS.
- J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2013 Jul) 98:E1218-23. Abstract/Full Text
- Measuring energy expenditure in clinical populations: rewards and challenges.
- Psota T, Chen KY.
- Eur J Clin Nutr (2013 May) 67:436-42. Abstract/Full Text
- Cold-activated brown adipose tissue is an independent predictor of higher bone mineral density in women.
- Lee P, Brychta RJ, Collins MT, Linderman J, Smith S, Herscovitch P, Millo C, Chen KY, Celi FS.
- Osteoporos Int (2013 Apr) 24:1513-8. Abstract/Full Text
- Objective measurements of daily physical activity patterns and sedentary behaviour in older adults: Age, Gene/Environment Susceptibility-Reykjavik Study.
- Arnardottir NY, Koster A, Van Domelen DR, Brychta RJ, Caserotti P, Eiriksdottir G, Sverrisdottir JE, Launer LJ, Gudnason V, Johannsson E, Harris TB, Chen KY, Sveinsson T.
- Age Ageing (2013 Mar) 42:222-9. Abstract/Full Text
- Redefining the roles of sensors in objective physical activity monitoring.
- Chen KY, Janz KF, Zhu W, Brychta RJ.
- Med Sci Sports Exerc (2012 Jan) 44:S13-23. Abstract/Full Text
- Body composition and energy metabolism following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery.
- Tamboli RA, Hossain HA, Marks PA, Eckhauser AW, Rathmacher JA, Phillips SE, Buchowski MS, Chen KY, Abumrad NN.
- Obesity (Silver Spring) (2010 Sep) 18:1718-24. Abstract/Full Text
- Energy expenditure: measurement of human metabolism.
- Brychta R, Wohlers E, Moon J, Chen K.
- IEEE Eng Med Biol Mag (2010 Jan-Feb) 29:42-7. Abstract/Full Text
- Optimizing energy expenditure detection in human metabolic chambers.
- Brychta RJ, Rothney MP, Skarulis MC, Chen KY.
- Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc (2009) 2009:6864-8. Abstract/Full Text
- Comparing the performance of three generations of ActiGraph accelerometers.
- Rothney MP, Apker GA, Song Y, Chen KY.
- J Appl Physiol (1985) (2008 Oct) 105:1091-7. Abstract/Full Text
- Amount of time spent in sedentary behaviors in the United States, 2003-2004.
- Matthews CE, Chen KY, Freedson PS, Buchowski MS, Beech BM, Pate RR, Troiano RP.
- Am J Epidemiol (2008 Apr 1) 167:875-81. Abstract/Full Text
- An artificial neural network model of energy expenditure using nonintegrated acceleration signals.
- Rothney MP, Neumann M, Béziat A, Chen KY.
- J Appl Physiol (1985) (2007 Oct) 103:1419-27. Abstract/Full Text
- The technology of accelerometry-based activity monitors: current and future.
- Chen KY, Bassett DR Jr.
- Med Sci Sports Exerc (2005 Nov) 37:S490-500. Abstract/Full Text
Last Reviewed July 2023