Orna Cohen-Fix, Ph.D.

Scientific Focus Areas: Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Genetics and Genomics
A selection of recent and significant publications can be viewed below.
Select Publications
- A membrane reticulum, the centriculum, affects centrosome size and function in Caenorhabditis elegans.
- Maheshwari R, Rahman MM, Drey S, Onyundo M, Fabig G, Martinez MAQ, Matus DQ, Müller-Reichert T, Cohen-Fix O.
- Curr Biol (2023 Mar 13) 33:791-806.e7. Abstract/Full Text
- An RNAi screen for genes that affect nuclear morphology in Caenorhabditis elegans reveals the involvement of unexpected processes.
- Maheshwari R, Rahman MM, Joseph-Strauss D, Cohen-Fix O.
- G3 (Bethesda) (2021 Oct 19) 11. Abstract/Full Text
- C. elegans pronuclei fuse after fertilization through a novel membrane structure.
- Rahman M, Chang IY, Harned A, Maheshwari R, Amoateng K, Narayan K, Cohen-Fix O.
- J Cell Biol (2020 Feb 3) 219. Abstract/Full Text
- Nuclear envelope expansion in budding yeast is independent of cell growth and does not determine nuclear volume.
- Walters AD, Amoateng K, Wang R, Chen JH, McDermott G, Larabell CA, Gadal O, Cohen-Fix O.
- Mol Biol Cell (2019 Jan 1) 30:131-145. Abstract/Full Text
- Cell Biology of the Caenorhabditis elegans Nucleus.
- Cohen-Fix O, Askjaer P.
- Genetics (2017 Jan) 205:25-59. Abstract/Full Text
Additional Publications
- The Malleable Nature of the Budding Yeast Nuclear Envelope: Flares, Fusion, and Fenestrations.
- Meseroll RA, Cohen-Fix O.
- J Cell Physiol (2016 Nov) 231:2353-60. Abstract/Full Text
- Editorial overview: The cell nucleus: Plastic, elastic and fantastic.
- Cohen-Fix O, Kutay U.
- Curr Opin Cell Biol (2016 Jun) 40:iv-v. Abstract/Full Text
- Caenorhabditis elegans polo-like kinase PLK-1 is required for merging parental genomes into a single nucleus.
- Rahman MM, Munzig M, Kaneshiro K, Lee B, Strome S, Müller-Reichert T, Cohen-Fix O.
- Mol Biol Cell (2015 Dec 15) 26:4718-35. Abstract/Full Text
- The yeast polo kinase Cdc5 regulates the shape of the mitotic nucleus.
- Walters AD, May CK, Dauster ES, Cinquin BP, Smith EA, Robellet X, D'Amours D, Larabell CA, Cohen-Fix O.
- Curr Biol (2014 Dec 1) 24:2861-7. Abstract/Full Text
- Down-regulation of tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle genes blocks progression through the first mitotic division in Caenorhabditis elegans embryos.
- Rahman MM, Rosu S, Joseph-Strauss D, Cohen-Fix O.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2014 Feb 18) 111:2602-7. Abstract/Full Text
- Putting molecules in their place.
- Cinquin BP, Do M, McDermott G, Walters AD, Myllys M, Smith EA, Cohen-Fix O, Le Gros MA, Larabell CA.
- J Cell Biochem (2014 Feb) 115:209-16. Abstract/Full Text
- Morphology and function of membrane-bound organelles.
- Heald R, Cohen-Fix O.
- Curr Opin Cell Biol (2014 Feb) 26:79-86. Abstract/Full Text
- Nuclear division: giving daughters their fair share.
- Walters AD, Cohen-Fix O.
- Curr Biol (2013 Dec 2) 23:R1045-7. Abstract/Full Text
- The dynamic nature of the nuclear envelope: lessons from closed mitosis.
- Arnone JT, Walters AD, Cohen-Fix O.
- Nucleus (2013 Jul-Aug) 4:261-6. Abstract/Full Text
- Shaping the nucleus: factors and forces.
- Walters AD, Bommakanti A, Cohen-Fix O.
- J Cell Biochem (2012 Sep) 113:2813-21. Abstract/Full Text
- The budding yeast nuclear envelope adjacent to the nucleolus serves as a membrane sink during mitotic delay.
- Witkin KL, Chong Y, Shao S, Webster MT, Lahiri S, Walters AD, Lee B, Koh JL, Prinz WA, Andrews BJ, Cohen-Fix O.
- Curr Biol (2012 Jun 19) 22:1128-33. Abstract/Full Text
- Sm protein down-regulation leads to defects in nuclear pore complex disassembly and distribution in C. elegans embryos.
- Joseph-Strauss D, Gorjánácz M, Santarella-Mellwig R, Voronina E, Audhya A, Cohen-Fix O.
- Dev Biol (2012 May 15) 365:445-57. Abstract/Full Text
- Orna Cohen-Fix: playing with nuclear morphology. Interview by Caitlin Sedwick.
- Cohen-Fix O.
- J Cell Biol (2012 Mar 5) 196:550-1. Abstract/Full Text
- Vesicle trafficking maintains nuclear shape in Saccharomyces cerevisiae during membrane proliferation.
- Webster MT, McCaffery JM, Cohen-Fix O.
- J Cell Biol (2010 Dec 13) 191:1079-88. Abstract/Full Text
- Cell biology: Import and nuclear size.
- Cohen-Fix O.
- Nature (2010 Nov 25) 468:513-6. Abstract/Full Text
- Changes in the nuclear envelope environment affect spindle pole body duplication in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
- Witkin KL, Friederichs JM, Cohen-Fix O, Jaspersen SL.
- Genetics (2010 Nov) 186:867-83. Abstract/Full Text
- Inactivation of the C. elegans lipin homolog leads to ER disorganization and to defects in the breakdown and reassembly of the nuclear envelope.
- Golden A, Liu J, Cohen-Fix O.
- J Cell Sci (2009 Jun 15) 122:1970-8. Abstract/Full Text
- Sizing up the nucleus: nuclear shape, size and nuclear-envelope assembly.
- Webster M, Witkin KL, Cohen-Fix O.
- J Cell Sci (2009 May 15) 122:1477-86. Abstract/Full Text
- The endoplasmic reticulum takes center stage in cell cycle regulation.
- Fearon P, Cohen-Fix O.
- Sci Signal (2008 Jan 22) 1:pe4. Abstract/Full Text
- Falling off the academic bandwagon. Women are more likely to quit at the postdoc to principal investigator transition.
- Martinez ED, Botos J, Dohoney KM, Geiman TM, Kolla SS, Olivera A, Qiu Y, Rayasam GV, Stavreva DA, Cohen-Fix O.
- EMBO Rep (2007 Nov) 8:977-81. Abstract/Full Text
- The spindle midzone microtubule-associated proteins Ase1p and Cin8p affect the number and orientation of astral microtubules in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
- de Gramont A, Barbour L, Ross KE, Cohen-Fix O.
- Cell Cycle (2007 May 15) 6:1231-41. Abstract/Full Text
- Yeast nuclear envelope subdomains with distinct abilities to resist membrane expansion.
- Campbell JL, Lorenz A, Witkin KL, Hays T, Loidl J, Cohen-Fix O.
- Mol Biol Cell (2006 Apr) 17:1768-78. Abstract/Full Text
- The many phases of anaphase.
- de Gramont A, Cohen-Fix O.
- Trends Biochem Sci (2005 Oct) 30:559-68. Abstract/Full Text
- Uncovering novel cell cycle players through the inactivation of securin in budding yeast.
- Sarin S, Ross KE, Boucher L, Green Y, Tyers M, Cohen-Fix O.
- Genetics (2004 Nov) 168:1763-71. Abstract/Full Text
- Molecular biology: cohesins slip sliding away.
- Ross KE, Cohen-Fix O.
- Nature (2004 Jul 29) 430:520-1. Abstract/Full Text
- A role for the FEAR pathway in nuclear positioning during anaphase.
- Ross KE, Cohen-Fix O.
- Dev Cell (2004 May) 6:729-35. Abstract/Full Text
- Two distinct pathways for inhibiting pds1 ubiquitination in response to DNA damage.
- Agarwal R, Tang Z, Yu H, Cohen-Fix O.
- J Biol Chem (2003 Nov 7) 278:45027-33. Abstract/Full Text
- The role of Cdh1p in maintaining genomic stability in budding yeast.
- Ross KE, Cohen-Fix O.
- Genetics (2003 Oct) 165:489-503. Abstract/Full Text
- Meiosis: polo, FEAR and the art of dividing reductionally.
- Cohen-Fix O.
- Curr Biol (2003 Aug 5) 13:R603-5. Abstract/Full Text
- Getting (chromosomes) loaded--a new role for timeless.
- Golden A, Cohen-Fix O.
- Dev Cell (2003 Jul) 5:7-9. Abstract/Full Text
- Multitasking at mitotic exit.
- Ross KE, Cohen-Fix O.
- Nat Cell Biol (2003 Mar) 5:188-90. Abstract/Full Text
- Chromosome cohesion: ring around the sisters?
- Campbell JL, Cohen-Fix O.
- Trends Biochem Sci (2002 Oct) 27:492-5. Abstract/Full Text
- Mitotic regulation: the fine tuning of separase activity.
- Agarwal R, Cohen-Fix O.
- Cell Cycle (2002 Jul-Aug) 1:255-7. Abstract/Full Text
- Phosphorylation of the mitotic regulator Pds1/securin by Cdc28 is required for efficient nuclear localization of Esp1/separase.
- Agarwal R, Cohen-Fix O.
- Genes Dev (2002 Jun 1) 16:1371-82. Abstract/Full Text
- Separase: a conserved protease separating more than just sisters.
- Ross KE, Cohen-Fix O.
- Trends Cell Biol (2002 Jan) 12:1-3. Abstract/Full Text
- The anaphase inhibitor Pds1 binds to the APC/C-associated protein Cdc20 in a destruction box-dependent manner.
- Hilioti Z, Chung YS, Mochizuki Y, Hardy CF, Cohen-Fix O.
- Curr Biol (2001 Sep 4) 11:1347-52. Abstract/Full Text
- The making and breaking of sister chromatid cohesion.
- Cohen-Fix O.
- Cell (2001 Jul 27) 106:137-40. Abstract/Full Text
- Sister chromatid separation: falling apart at the seams.
- Cohen-Fix O.
- Curr Biol (2000 Nov 16) 10:R816-9. Abstract/Full Text
- Pds1p of budding yeast has dual roles: inhibition of anaphase initiation and regulation of mitotic exit.
- Cohen-Fix O, Koshland D.
- Genes Dev (1999 Aug 1) 13:1950-9. Abstract/Full Text
- The anaphase inhibitor of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pds1p is a target of the DNA damage checkpoint pathway.
- Cohen-Fix O, Koshland D.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1997 Dec 23) 94:14361-6. Abstract/Full Text
- The metaphase-to-anaphase transition: avoiding a mid-life crisis.
- Cohen-Fix O, Koshland D.
- Curr Opin Cell Biol (1997 Dec) 9:800-6. Abstract/Full Text
- Anaphase initiation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is controlled by the APC-dependent degradation of the anaphase inhibitor Pds1p.
- Cohen-Fix O, Peters JM, Kirschner MW, Koshland D.
- Genes Dev (1996 Dec 15) 10:3081-93. Abstract/Full Text
- In vitro UV mutagenesis associated with nucleotide excision-repair gaps in Escherichia coli.
- Cohen-Fix O, Livneh Z.
- J Biol Chem (1994 Feb 18) 269:4953-8. Abstract/Full Text
- Biochemical analysis of UV mutagenesis in Escherichia coli by using a cell-free reaction coupled to a bioassay: identification of a DNA repair-dependent, replication-independent pathway.
- Cohen-Fix O, Livneh Z.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (1992 Apr 15) 89:3300-4. Abstract/Full Text
- Formation of heterotypic adherens-type junctions between L-CAM-containing liver cells and A-CAM-containing lens cells.
- Volk T, Cohen O, Geiger B.
- Cell (1987 Sep 11) 50:987-94. Abstract/Full Text
Last Reviewed January 2025