Christine Densmore, M.S.

Responsibilities & Activities
As institute coordinator and program director of the Small Business Research programs in the Division of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition (DDN) at the NIDDK, I manage the small business research portfolio, which includes the Small Business Innovative Research and Small Business Technology Transfer programs. These programs are intended to support innovative research conducted by small businesses that has the potential for commercialization. This portfolio encompasses basic and clinical research, as well as the development of devices and web-based educational tools directed at nutrition and obesity.
I serve as program director for the DDN Institutional Training Program (T32 mechanism). This program provides funding to institutions across the country to support predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees in gastrointestinal, liver, and nutrition research.
I also am budget coordinator for the DDN, as well as the R13 coordinator.
Committees & Working Groups
- NIDDK Training Program Directors Working Group, Member
- NIDDK Small Business Working Group, Chair
- NIDDK Clinical Trials Working Group, Member
- NIH Small Business Program Committee, NIDDK Representative/member
- NIH Small Buisness ReAuthorization Committee, NIDDK Representative/member
- NIDDK Budget Committee, Member
Select Experience
Clinical Research Coordinator, NIDDK, NIH, 2003-2004
Clinical Coordinator, NIAMS, NIH, 1999-2003
Clinical Coordinator, NCI, NIH, 1998-1999
Clinical Research/IND Specialist, PSI International, Inc., 1995-1998
Clinical Research Assistant, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 1993-1995