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  4. Minnjuan Flourney Floyd, Ph.D.

Minnjuan Flournoy Floyd, Ph.D., M.P.H., M.B.A.

Minnjuan Floyd Flournoy
Adult T2D disparities research; clinical research in T2D

Responsibilities & Activities

As a program officer in DEM, I provide oversight to the Division’s program in health disparities and specifically oversee programs addressing Research in adults with type 2 diabetes at the health system, organization, and provider levels, as well as multi-level research.

The research approaches in this portfolio include pilot studies, observational studies, as well as clinical studies or trials with goals to improve diabetes and related quality of life outcomes.

Research Programs

Clinical Research in Type 2 Diabetes
Progression and treatment of type 2 diabetes in children and adults. Dissemination and Implementation science. Community engaged research methodologies.

Diabetes: Treatment, Prevention, & Complications
The Diabetes: Treatment, Prevention, and Complications Program supports both basic and clinical studies aimed at addressing the prevention, treatment and pathophysiology of type 1 and type 2 diabetes across the lifespan.

Committees & Working Groups

  • NIDDK Obesity Research Working Group, Member
  • NIH Social Determinants of Health Research Coordinating Committee, Member
  • NIH Transformative Health Disparities Research Working Group, Member
Last Reviewed May 2024