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  4. Ziya Kirkali, M.D.

Ziya Kirkali, M.D.

Photo of Ziya Kikali
Clinical Urology; Urinary Stone Disease; Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia; Erectile Dysfunction

Responsibilities & Activities

As program director of Urology Clinical Research and Epidemiology, my responsibilities include overseeing studies on dysfunction of the genitourinary tract. Such research includes studies on benign prostatic hyperplasia, urinary stone disease, erectile dysfunction, urologic chronic pelvic pain syndromes, and congenital urologic disorders. I currently serve as the project scientist for the Symptoms of Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction Research Network (LURN) and Urinary Stone Disease Research Network (USDRN).

Research Programs

Diabetic Urologic Disease
The mechanisms and pathophysiology underlying diabetic uropathy and its progression.

Urology Bioengineering, Biotechnology, & Imaging
The development of new technologies for the diagnosis, monitoring, or treatment of urologic disease.

Urology Clinical Research & Epidemiology
Clinical studies and epidemiologic research for urologic diseases.

Women's Urology
Research on the normal and abnormal function of the lower urinary tract.

Committees & Working Groups

  • NIH-NASA Scientific Potential/Actual Collaborative Efforts (SPACE) Group, Member
  • Urology Interagency Coordinating Committee, Co-chair
  • Patient Centered Assessment Resource - NIH Working Group, Member
  • Emergency Care Research Working Group, Member
Last Reviewed March 2024