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  4. Jean M. Lawrence, Sc.D., M.P.H., MSW

Jean M. Lawrence, Sc.D., M.P.H., MSW

Jean Lawrence.
Senior Advisor for Diabetes Epidemiology: Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology, & Metabolic Diseases
Type 2 diabetes risk and prevention after gestational diabetes; Studies of adults with diabetes/pre-diabetes using secondary data and observational designs, and natural experiments

Responsibilities & Activities

As the Senior Advisor for Diabetes Epidemiology, my portfolio includes epidemiological studies of type 2 diabetes in adults that address risk factors for the  occurrence, prognosis, natural history and complications of diabetes. These studies include secondary analyses of data such as clinical and administrative information including patient reported outcomes and observational studies conducted for the purpose of gathering information for research.  My portfolio also includes studies examining the relationship between gestational diabetes (GDM) and the subsequent development and prevention of type 2 diabetes. I am the NIDDK Project Scientist on Natural EXperiments for Translation in Diabetes 3.0 (NEXT-D3) network. 

I lead the diabetes epidemiology activities for NIDDK that include developing diabetes-related questions for national surveys and other epidemiologic data sources, design and interpretation of secondary data analysis using data in the NIDDK data repositories, health resource utilization databases, national datasets, and biological repositories that support clinical, translational, and epidemiological research in diabetes, and mentor early- and mid-stage diabetes epidemiologists. I oversee the revision of Diabetes in America which has transitioned to a digital format. Chapters will be updated as new information and research becomes available. My publications can be found here: Bibliography  

Research Programs

Clinical Research in Type 2 Diabetes
Progression and treatment of type 2 diabetes in children and adults. Dissemination and Implementation science. Community engaged research methodologies.

Diabetes: Treatment, Prevention, & Complications
The Diabetes: Treatment, Prevention, and Complications Program supports both basic and clinical studies aimed at addressing the prevention, treatment and pathophysiology of type 1 and type 2 diabetes across the lifespan.

Obesity, Pregnancy, & the Intrauterine Environment
Impact of metabolic dysfunction on the intrauterine environment and subsequent metabolic health of mother and offspring.

Committees & Working Groups

  • Coordinating Committee for Maternal Morbidity and Mortality, Member
  • NIDDK Epidemiology Committee, Member
  • NIDDK Women’s Health Working Group, Member
  • Clinical Advancement based on Research Evidence (CARE) Working Group, Member
Last Reviewed March 2024