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  4. Karl F. Malik, Ph.D.

Karl F. Malik, Ph.D.

Kark Malik, Ph.D.
Extramural Policy; Operations; Research Evaluation

Responsibilities & Activities

I serve as Director of the Division of Extramural Activities (DEA). My work supports NIH’s commitment to improving its extramural program operations. My responsibilities include oversight of the peer review of extramural research applications that are reviewed in the NIDDK before funding, and the processing of awards for grants and cooperative agreements. The Division logs in, assigns, and internally distributes all applications received annually by the NIDDK. I oversee the coordination and conduct of scientific and technical peer review of these applications, which includes submissions for program project and center grants, research training and development grants, cooperative agreements (including multi-site clinical trials), and research contracts. I lead DEA’s efforts to advise on the development, implementation, and coordination of extramural programs and policies within the NIDDK. My duties also include overseeing the coordination of the Institute’s Committee Management activities and meetings of the NIDDK Advisory Council. I also oversee NIDDK’s disease coding and reporting operations and NIDDK’s process for publishing Notices of Funding Opportunity.

Committees & Working Groups

  • NIH Extramural Program Management Committee, Member
  • NIH Simplifying NOFO Development and NOFOs (SNDN) Working Group, Co-Chair
  • NIDDK Web Oversight Committee, Member
  • NIDDK Review and Program Interactions Committee, Chair
  • NIDDK Grants Management and Program Interactions Committee, Co-Chair
Last Reviewed February 2025