Kiyoshi Mizuuchi, Ph.D., NIH Distinguished Investigator

Section Chief:
Genetic Mechanisms Section, Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Scientific Focus Areas: Cell Biology, Chromosome Biology, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Systems Biology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
A selection of recent and significant publications can be viewed below.
Select Publications
- A propagating ATPase gradient drives transport of surface-confined cellular cargo.
- Vecchiarelli AG, Neuman KC, Mizuuchi K.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2014 Apr 1) 111:4880-5. Abstract/Full Text
- Membrane-bound MinDE complex acts as a toggle switch that drives Min oscillation coupled to cytoplasmic depletion of MinD.
- Vecchiarelli AG, Li M, Mizuuchi M, Hwang LC, Seol Y, Neuman KC, Mizuuchi K.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2016 Mar 15) 113:E1479-88. Abstract/Full Text
- CTP and parS coordinate ParB partition complex dynamics and ParA-ATPase activation for ParABS-mediated DNA partitioning.
- Taylor JA, Seol Y, Budhathoki J, Neuman KC, Mizuuchi K.
- Elife (2021 Jul 21) 10. Abstract/Full Text
- ParA-mediated plasmid partition driven by protein pattern self-organization.
- Hwang LC, Vecchiarelli AG, Han YW, Mizuuchi M, Harada Y, Funnell BE, Mizuuchi K.
- EMBO J (2013 May 2) 32:1238-49. Abstract/Full Text
- Distinct architectural requirements for the parS centromeric sequence of the pSM19035 plasmid partition machinery.
- Volante A, Alonso JC, Mizuuchi K.
- Elife (2022 Sep 5) 11. Abstract/Full Text
Additional Publications
- Probing transient excited states of the bacterial cell division regulator MinE by relaxation dispersion NMR spectroscopy.
- Cai M, Huang Y, Shen Y, Li M, Mizuuchi M, Ghirlando R, Mizuuchi K, Clore GM.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2019 Dec 17) 116:25446-25455. Abstract/Full Text
- Species- and C-terminal linker-dependent variations in the dynamic behavior of FtsZ on membranes in vitro.
- Sundararajan K, Vecchiarelli A, Mizuuchi K, Goley ED.
- Mol Microbiol (2018 Oct) 110:47-63. Abstract/Full Text
- Mechanistic insights of the Min oscillator via cell-free reconstitution and imaging.
- Mizuuchi K, Vecchiarelli AG.
- Phys Biol (2018 Mar 1) 15:031001. Abstract/Full Text
- Brownian ratchet mechanisms of ParA-mediated partitioning.
- Hu L, Vecchiarelli AG, Mizuuchi K, Neuman KC, Liu J.
- Plasmid (2017 Jul) 92:12-16. Abstract/Full Text
- Brownian Ratchet Mechanism for Faithful Segregation of Low-Copy-Number Plasmids.
- Hu L, Vecchiarelli AG, Mizuuchi K, Neuman KC, Liu J.
- Biophys J (2017 Apr 11) 112:1489-1502. Abstract/Full Text
- Directed and persistent movement arises from mechanochemistry of the ParA/ParB system.
- Hu L, Vecchiarelli AG, Mizuuchi K, Neuman KC, Liu J.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2015 Dec 22) 112:E7055-64. Abstract/Full Text
- Reconstituting ParA/ParB-mediated transport of DNA cargo.
- Vecchiarelli AG, Taylor JA, Mizuuchi K.
- Methods Cell Biol (2015) 128:243-69. Abstract/Full Text
- Differential affinities of MinD and MinE to anionic phospholipid influence Min patterning dynamics in vitro.
- Vecchiarelli AG, Li M, Mizuuchi M, Mizuuchi K.
- Mol Microbiol (2014 Aug) 93:453-63. Abstract/Full Text
- A moving ParA gradient on the nucleoid directs subcellular cargo transport via a chemophoresis force.
- Vecchiarelli AG, Seol Y, Neuman KC, Mizuuchi K.
- Bioarchitecture (2014) 4:154-9. Abstract/Full Text
- MuB is an AAA+ ATPase that forms helical filaments to control target selection for DNA transposition.
- Mizuno N, Dramićanin M, Mizuuchi M, Adam J, Wang Y, Han YW, Yang W, Steven AC, Mizuuchi K, Ramón-Maiques S.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2013 Jul 2) 110:E2441-50. Abstract/Full Text
- Cell-free study of F plasmid partition provides evidence for cargo transport by a diffusion-ratchet mechanism.
- Vecchiarelli AG, Hwang LC, Mizuuchi K.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2013 Apr 9) 110:E1390-7. Abstract/Full Text
- Surfing biological surfaces: exploiting the nucleoid for partition and transport in bacteria.
- Vecchiarelli AG, Mizuuchi K, Funnell BE.
- Mol Microbiol (2012 Nov) 86:513-23. Abstract/Full Text
- Endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) complexes induce phase-separated microdomains in supported lipid bilayers.
- Boura E, Ivanov V, Carlson LA, Mizuuchi K, Hurley JH.
- J Biol Chem (2012 Aug 10) 287:28144-51. Abstract/Full Text
- DNA requirements for assembly and stability of HIV-1 intasomes.
- Li M, Ivanov V, Mizuuchi M, Mizuuchi K, Craigie R.
- Protein Sci (2012 Feb) 21:249-57. Abstract/Full Text
- ATP control of dynamic P1 ParA-DNA interactions: a key role for the nucleoid in plasmid partition.
- Vecchiarelli AG, Han YW, Tan X, Mizuuchi M, Ghirlando R, Biertümpfel C, Funnell BE, Mizuuchi K.
- Mol Microbiol (2010 Oct) 78:78-91. Abstract/Full Text
- Multiple modes of interconverting dynamic pattern formation by bacterial cell division proteins.
- Ivanov V, Mizuuchi K.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2010 May 4) 107:8071-8. Abstract/Full Text
- Barrier-to-autointegration factor (BAF) condenses DNA by looping.
- Skoko D, Li M, Huang Y, Mizuuchi M, Cai M, Bradley CM, Pease PJ, Xiao B, Marko JF, Craigie R, Mizuuchi K.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2009 Sep 29) 106:16610-5. Abstract/Full Text
- Control of transposase activity within a transpososome by the configuration of the flanking DNA segment of the transposon.
- Mizuuchi M, Rice PA, Wardle SJ, Haniford DB, Mizuuchi K.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2007 Sep 11) 104:14622-7. Abstract/Full Text
- DNA transposition target immunity and the determinants of the MuB distribution patterns on DNA.
- Tan X, Mizuuchi M, Mizuuchi K.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2007 Aug 28) 104:13925-9. Abstract/Full Text
- Visualizing the assembly and disassembly mechanisms of the MuB transposition targeting complex.
- Greene EC, Mizuuchi K.
- J Biol Chem (2004 Apr 16) 279:16736-43. Abstract/Full Text
- Progressive structural transitions within Mu transpositional complexes.
- Yanagihara K, Mizuuchi K.
- Mol Cell (2003 Jan) 11:215-24. Abstract/Full Text
- Target immunity during Mu DNA transposition. Transpososome assembly and DNA looping enhance MuA-mediated disassembly of the MuB target complex.
- Greene EC, Mizuuchi K.
- Mol Cell (2002 Dec) 10:1367-78. Abstract/Full Text
- Mismatch-targeted transposition of Mu: a new strategy to map genetic polymorphism.
- Yanagihara K, Mizuuchi K.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2002 Aug 20) 99:11317-21. Abstract/Full Text
- Direct observation of single MuB polymers: evidence for a DNA-dependent conformational change for generating an active target complex.
- Greene EC, Mizuuchi K.
- Mol Cell (2002 May) 9:1079-89. Abstract/Full Text
- Dynamics of a protein polymer: the assembly and disassembly pathways of the MuB transposition target complex.
- Greene EC, Mizuuchi K.
- EMBO J (2002 Mar 15) 21:1477-86. Abstract/Full Text
- Conformational isomerization in phage Mu transpososome assembly: effects of the transpositional enhancer and of MuB.
- Mizuuchi M, Mizuuchi K.
- EMBO J (2001 Dec 3) 20:6927-35. Abstract/Full Text
- Single active site catalysis of the successive phosphoryl transfer steps by DNA transposases: insights from phosphorothioate stereoselectivity.
- Kennedy AK, Haniford DB, Mizuuchi K.
- Cell (2000 Apr 28) 101:295-305. Abstract/Full Text
Last Reviewed June 2024