Vipul Periwal, Ph.D.
Vipul Periwal.
Scientific Focus Areas: Biomedical Engineering and Biophysics, Cancer Biology, Computational Biology, Developmental Biology, Systems Biology


A selection of recent and significant publications can be viewed below.

Select Publications

Tight basis cycle representatives for persistent homology of large biological data sets.
Aggarwal M, Periwal V.
PLoS Comput Biol (2023 May) 19:e1010341. Abstract/Full Text
Annealing approach to root finding.
Jo J, Wagemakers A, Periwal V.
Phys Rev E (2024 Aug) 110:025305. Abstract/Full Text
Geometric and topological characterization of the cytoarchitecture of islets of Langerhans.
Aggarwal M, Striegel DA, Hara M, Periwal V.
PLoS Comput Biol (2023 Nov) 19:e1011617. Abstract/Full Text
Dory: Computation of persistence diagrams up to dimension two for Vietoris-Rips filtrations of large data sets.
Aggarwal M, Periwal V.
J Comput Sci (2024 Jul) 79. Abstract/Full Text
Longitudinal multi-omics analyses of the gut-liver axis reveals metabolic dysregulation in hepatitis C infection and cirrhosis.
Ali RO, Quinn GM, Umarova R, Haddad JA, Zhang GY, Townsend EC, Scheuing L, Hill KL, Gewirtz M, Rampertaap S, Rosenzweig SD, Remaley AT, Han JM, Periwal V, Cai H, Walter PJ, Koh C, Levy EB, Kleiner DE, Etzion O, Heller T.
Nat Microbiol (2023 Jan) 8:12-27. Abstract/Full Text

Additional Publications

Associations of GlycA and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein with measures of lipolysis in adults with obesity.
Levine JA, Han JM, Wolska A, Wilson SR, Patel TP, Remaley AT, Periwal V, Yanovski JA, Demidowich AP.
J Clin Lipidol (2020 Sep-Oct) 14:667-674. Abstract/Full Text
Cryptic genetic variation enhances primate L1 retrotransposon survival by enlarging the functional coiled coil sequence space of ORF1p.
Furano AV, Jones CE, Periwal V, Callahan KE, Walser JC, Cook PR.
PLoS Genet (2020 Aug) 16:e1008991. Abstract/Full Text
Erasure machine: Inverse Ising inference from reweighting of observation frequencies.
Jo J, Hoang DT, Periwal V.
Phys Rev E (2020 Mar) 101:032107. Abstract/Full Text
Intact glucose uptake despite deteriorating signaling in adipocytes with high-fat feeding.
Hansson B, Wasserstrom S, Morén B, Periwal V, Vikman P, Cushman SW, Göransson O, Storm P, Stenkula KG.
J Mol Endocrinol (2018 Apr) 60:199-211. Abstract/Full Text
Correlated rigid modes in protein families.
Striegel DA, Wojtowicz D, Przytycka TM, Periwal V.
Phys Biol (2016 Apr 11) 13:025003. Abstract/Full Text
Metabolic scaling predicts posthepatectomy liver regeneration after accounting for hepatocyte hypertrophy.
Young LH, Periwal V.
Liver Transpl (2016 Apr) 22:476-84. Abstract/Full Text
Modeling glucose and free fatty acid kinetics in glucose and meal tolerance test.
Li Y, Chow CC, Courville AB, Sumner AE, Periwal V.
Theor Biol Med Model (2016 Mar 2) 13:8. Abstract/Full Text
Adipose cell hypertrophy precedes the appearance of small adipocytes by 3 days in C57BL/6 mouse upon changing to a high fat diet.
Li Y, Periwal V, Cushman SW, Stenkula KG.
Adipocyte (2016 Jan-Mar) 5:81-7. Abstract/Full Text
Biochemical and clinical deficiency is uncommon in African immigrants despite a high prevalence of low vitamin D: the Africans in America study.
Thoreson CK, Chung ST, Ricks M, Reynolds JC, Remaley AT, Periwal V, Li Y, Sumner AE.
Osteoporos Int (2015 Nov) 26:2607-2615. Abstract/Full Text
The jigsaw puzzle of sequence phenotype inference: Piecing together Shannon entropy, importance sampling, and Empirical Bayes.
Shreif Z, Striegel DA, Periwal V.
J Theor Biol (2015 Sep 7) 380:399-413. Abstract/Full Text
The Beta Cell in Its Cluster: Stochastic Graphs of Beta Cell Connectivity in the Islets of Langerhans.
Striegel DA, Hara M, Periwal V.
PLoS Comput Biol (2015 Aug) 11:e1004423. Abstract/Full Text
Beta-cell destruction and preservation in childhood and adult onset type 1 diabetes.
Poudel A, Savari O, Striegel DA, Periwal V, Taxy J, Millis JM, Witkowski P, Atkinson MA, Hara M.
Endocrine (2015 Aug) 49:693-702. Abstract/Full Text
Macro fat and micro fat: insulin sensitivity and gender dependent response of adipose tissue to isocaloric diet change.
Li Y, Gaillard JR, McLaughlin T, Sørensen TIa, Periwal V.
Adipocyte (2015 Oct-Dec) 4:256-63. Abstract/Full Text
Diabetes Associated Metabolomic Perturbations in NOD Mice.
Grapov D, Fahrmann J, Hwang J, Poudel A, Jo J, Periwal V, Fiehn O, Hara M.
Metabolomics (2015 Apr) 11:425-437. Abstract/Full Text
A conserved rule for pancreatic islet organization.
Hoang DT, Matsunari H, Nagaya M, Nagashima H, Millis JM, Witkowski P, Periwal V, Hara M, Jo J.
PLoS One (2014) 9:e110384. Abstract/Full Text
Mathematical model of liver regeneration in human live donors.
Periwal V, Gaillard JR, Needleman L, Doria C.
J Cell Physiol (2014 May) 229:599-606. Abstract/Full Text
A network characteristic that correlates environmental and genetic robustness.
Shreif Z, Periwal V.
PLoS Comput Biol (2014 Feb) 10:e1003474. Abstract/Full Text
Regional differences in islet distribution in the human pancreas--preferential beta-cell loss in the head region in patients with type 2 diabetes.
Wang X, Misawa R, Zielinski MC, Cowen P, Jo J, Periwal V, Ricordi C, Khan A, Szust J, Shen J, Millis JM, Witkowski P, Hara M.
PLoS One (2013) 8:e67454. Abstract/Full Text
The fractal spatial distribution of pancreatic islets in three dimensions: a self-avoiding growth model.
Jo J, Hörnblad A, Kilimnik G, Hara M, Ahlgren U, Periwal V.
Phys Biol (2013 Jun) 10:036009. Abstract/Full Text
Sex-associated differences in free fatty acid flux of obese adolescents.
Adler-Wailes DC, Periwal V, Ali AH, Brady SM, McDuffie JR, Uwaifo GI, Tanofsky-Kraff M, Salaita CG, Hubbard VS, Reynolds JC, Chow CC, Sumner AE, Yanovski JA.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2013 Apr) 98:1676-84. Abstract/Full Text
Synergy in free radical generation is blunted by high-fat diet induced alterations in skeletal muscle mitochondrial metabolism.
Li Y, Periwal V.
Biophys J (2013 Mar 5) 104:1127-41. Abstract/Full Text
Quantitative dynamics of adipose cells.
Jo J, Shreif Z, Periwal V.
Adipocyte (2012 Apr 1) 1:80-88. Abstract/Full Text
Quantification of islet size and architecture.
Kilimnik G, Jo J, Periwal V, Zielinski MC, Hara M.
Islets (2012 Mar-Apr) 4:167-72. Abstract/Full Text
Bayesian functional integral method for inferring continuous data from discrete measurements.
Heuett WJ, Miller BV 3rd, Racette SB, Holloszy JO, Chow CC, Periwal V.
Biophys J (2012 Feb 8) 102:399-406. Abstract/Full Text
Mathematical models of pancreatic islet size distributions.
Jo J, Hara M, Ahlgren U, Sorenson R, Periwal V.
Islets (2012 Jan-Feb) 4:10-9. Abstract/Full Text
Formation of pancreatic islets involves coordinated expansion of small islets and fission of large interconnected islet-like structures.
Jo J, Kilimnik G, Kim A, Guo C, Periwal V, Hara M.
Biophys J (2011 Aug 3) 101:565-74. Abstract/Full Text
Higher acute insulin response to glucose may determine greater free fatty acid clearance in African-American women.
Chow CC, Periwal V, Csako G, Ricks M, Courville AB, Miller BV 3rd, Vega GL, Sumner AE.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2011 Aug) 96:2456-63. Abstract/Full Text
Computer-assisted large-scale visualization and quantification of pancreatic islet mass, size distribution and architecture.
Kim A, Kilimnik G, Guo C, Sung J, Jo J, Periwal V, Witkowski P, Dilorio P, Hara M.
J Vis Exp (2011 Mar 4) Abstract/Full Text
Altered islet composition and disproportionate loss of large islets in patients with type 2 diabetes.
Kilimnik G, Zhao B, Jo J, Periwal V, Witkowski P, Misawa R, Hara M.
PLoS One (2011) 6:e27445. Abstract/Full Text
Hypertrophy-driven adipocyte death overwhelms recruitment under prolonged weight gain.
Jo J, Guo J, Liu T, Mullen S, Hall KD, Cushman SW, Periwal V.
Biophys J (2010 Dec 1) 99:3535-44. Abstract/Full Text
Expression in aneuploid Drosophila S2 cells.
Zhang Y, Malone JH, Powell SK, Periwal V, Spana E, Macalpine DM, Oliver B.
PLoS Biol (2010 Feb 23) 8:e1000320. Abstract/Full Text
Waves of adipose tissue growth in the genetically obese Zucker fatty rat.
MacKellar J, Cushman SW, Periwal V.
PLoS One (2010 Jan 22) 5:e8197. Abstract/Full Text
Autoregulation of free radicals via uncoupling protein control in pancreatic beta-cell mitochondria.
Heuett WJ, Periwal V.
Biophys J (2010 Jan 20) 98:207-17. Abstract/Full Text
Cdk4 regulates recruitment of quiescent beta-cells and ductal epithelial progenitors to reconstitute beta-cell mass.
Lee JH, Jo J, Hardikar AA, Periwal V, Rane SG.
PLoS One (2010 Jan 13) 5:e8653. Abstract/Full Text
Differential effects of thiazolidinediones on adipocyte growth and recruitment in Zucker fatty rats.
MacKellar J, Cushman SW, Periwal V.
PLoS One (2009 Dec 24) 4:e8196. Abstract/Full Text
Islet formation during the neonatal development in mice.
Miller K, Kim A, Kilimnik G, Jo J, Moka U, Periwal V, Hara M.
PLoS One (2009 Nov 6) 4:e7739. Abstract/Full Text
A model of liver regeneration.
Furchtgott LA, Chow CC, Periwal V.
Biophys J (2009 May 20) 96:3926-35. Abstract/Full Text
Hypertrophy and/or Hyperplasia: Dynamics of Adipose Tissue Growth.
Jo J, Gavrilova O, Pack S, Jou W, Mullen S, Sumner AE, Cushman SW, Periwal V.
PLoS Comput Biol (2009 Mar) 5:e1000324. Abstract/Full Text
Evaluation of quantitative models of the effect of insulin on lipolysis and glucose disposal.
Periwal V, Chow CC, Bergman RN, Ricks M, Vega GL, Sumner AE.
Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol (2008 Oct) 295:R1089-96. Abstract/Full Text
Patterns in food intake correlate with body mass index.
Periwal V, Chow CC.
Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab (2006 Nov) 291:E929-36. Abstract/Full Text
Last Reviewed February 2025