Anne Elizabeth Sumner, M.D.

Scientific Focus Areas: Clinical Research, Epidemiology, Health Disparities, Social and Behavioral Sciences
A selection of recent and significant publications can be viewed below.
Select Publications
- A Scoping Review of Trials Designed to Achieve Remission of Type 2 Diabetes with Lifestyle Intervention Alone: Implications for Sub-Saharan Africa.
- Duhuze Karera MG, Wentzel A, Ishimwe MCS, Gatete JD, Jagannathan R, Horlyck-Romanovsky MF, Sumner AE.
- Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes (2023) 16:677-692. Abstract/Full Text
- Combining HbA(1c) and glycated albumin improves detection of dysglycaemia in mixed-ancestry South Africans.
- Kengne AP, Matsha TE, Sacks DB, Zemlin AE, Erasmus RT, Sumner AE.
- EClinicalMedicine (2022 Jun) 48:101443. Abstract/Full Text
- Beta-cell failure rather than insulin resistance is the major cause of abnormal glucose tolerance in Africans: insight from the Africans in America study.
- Ishimwe MCS, Wentzel A, Shoup EM, Osei-Tutu NH, Hormenu T, Patterson AC, Bagheri H, DuBose CW, Mabundo LS, Ha J, Sherman A, Sumner AE.
- BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care (2021 Sep) 9. Abstract/Full Text
- Improved Detection of Abnormal Glucose Tolerance in Africans: The Value of Combining Hemoglobin A(1c) With Glycated Albumin.
- Hobabagabo AF, Osei-Tutu NH, Hormenu T, Shoup EM, DuBose CW, Mabundo LS, Ha J, Sherman A, Chung ST, Sacks DB, Sumner AE.
- Diabetes Care (2020 Oct) 43:2607-2613. Abstract/Full Text
- A1C Underperforms as a Diagnostic Test in Africans Even in the Absence of Nutritional Deficiencies, Anemia and Hemoglobinopathies: Insight From the Africans in America Study.
- Briker SM, Aduwo JY, Mugeni R, Horlyck-Romanovsky MF, DuBose CW, Mabundo LS, Hormenu T, Chung ST, Ha J, Sherman A, Sumner AE.
- Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) (2019) 10:533. Abstract/Full Text
Additional Publications
- Sleep and Economic Status Are Linked to Daily Life Stress in African-Born Blacks Living in America.
- Waldman ZC, Schenk BR, Duhuze Karera MG, Patterson AC, Hormenu T, Mabundo LS, DuBose CW, Jagannathan R, Whitesell PL, Wentzel A, Horlyck-Romanovsky MF, Sumner AE.
- Int J Environ Res Public Health (2022 Feb 23) 19. Abstract/Full Text
- Stress Measured by Allostatic Load Varies by Reason for Immigration, Age at Immigration, and Number of Children: The Africans in America Study.
- Hormenu T, Shoup EM, Osei-Tutu NH, Hobabagabo AF, DuBose CW, Mabundo LS, Chung ST, Horlyck-Romanovsky MF, Sumner AE.
- Int J Environ Res Public Health (2020 Jun 24) 17. Abstract/Full Text
- Forced migration and foot care in people with diabetes.
- Hobabagabo AF, Sumner AE.
- Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol (2020 Feb) 8:100. Abstract/Full Text
- Postprandial Insulin Response and Clearance Among Black and White Women: The Federal Women's Study.
- Chung ST, Galvan-De La Cruz M, Aldana PC, Mabundo LS, DuBose CW, Onuzuruike AU, Walter M, Gharib AM, Courville AB, Sherman AS, Sumner AE.
- J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2019 Jan 1) 104:181-192. Abstract/Full Text
- Do current guidelines for waist circumference apply to black Africans? Prediction of insulin resistance by waist circumference among Africans living in America.
- Kabakambira JD, Baker RL Jr, Briker SM, Courville AB, Mabundo LS, DuBose CW, Chung ST, Eckel RH, Sumner AE.
- BMJ Glob Health (2018) 3:e001057. Abstract/Full Text
- Gluconeogenesis and risk for fasting hyperglycemia in Black and White women.
- Chung ST, Courville AB, Onuzuruike AU, Galvan-De La Cruz M, Mabundo LS, DuBose CW, Kasturi K, Cai H, Gharib AM, Walter PJ, Garraffo HM, Chacko S, Haymond MW, Sumner AE.
- JCI Insight (2018 Sep 20) 3. Abstract/Full Text
- A Review of the Literature Regarding Sleep and Cardiometabolic Disease in African Descent Populations.
- Whitesell PL, Obi J, Tamanna NS, Sumner AE.
- Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) (2018) 9:140. Abstract/Full Text
- Reversing the tide - diagnosis and prevention of T2DM in populations of African descent.
- Utumatwishima JN, Chung ST, Bentley AR, Udahogora M, Sumner AE.
- Nat Rev Endocrinol (2018 Jan) 14:45-56. Abstract/Full Text
- Time to glucose peak during an oral glucose tolerance test identifies prediabetes risk.
- Chung ST, Ha J, Onuzuruike AU, Kasturi K, Galvan-De La Cruz M, Bingham BA, Baker RL, Utumatwishima JN, Mabundo LS, Ricks M, Sherman AS, Sumner AE.
- Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) (2017 Nov) 87:484-491. Abstract/Full Text
- Variation in the Calculation of Allostatic Load Score: 21 Examples from NHANES.
- Duong MT, Bingham BA, Aldana PC, Chung ST, Sumner AE.
- J Racial Ethn Health Disparities (2017 Jun) 4:455-461. Abstract/Full Text
- Association of Sickle Cell Trait With Hemoglobin A1c in African Americans.
- Lacy ME, Wellenius GA, Sumner AE, Correa A, Carnethon MR, Liem RI, Wilson JG, Sacks DB, Jacobs DR Jr, Carson AP, Luo X, Gjelsvik A, Reiner AP, Naik RP, Liu S, Musani SK, Eaton CB, Wu WC.
- JAMA (2017 Feb 7) 317:507-515. Abstract/Full Text
- The Association between Stress Measured by Allostatic Load Score and Physiologic Dysregulation in African Immigrants: The Africans in America Study.
- Bingham BA, Duong MT, Ricks M, Mabundo LS, Baker RL Jr, Utumatwishima JN, Udahogora M, Berrigan D, Sumner AE.
- Front Public Health (2016) 4:265. Abstract/Full Text
- Glycated Albumin Identifies Prediabetes Not Detected by Hemoglobin A1c: The Africans in America Study.
- Sumner AE, Duong MT, Bingham BA, Aldana PC, Ricks M, Mabundo LS, Tulloch-Reid MK, Chung ST, Sacks DB.
- Clin Chem (2016 Nov) 62:1524-1532. Abstract/Full Text
- Hepatic and Extrahepatic Insulin Clearance Are Differentially Regulated: Results From a Novel Model-Based Analysis of Intravenous Glucose Tolerance Data.
- Polidori DC, Bergman RN, Chung ST, Sumner AE.
- Diabetes (2016 Jun) 65:1556-64. Abstract/Full Text
- Modeling glucose and free fatty acid kinetics in glucose and meal tolerance test.
- Li Y, Chow CC, Courville AB, Sumner AE, Periwal V.
- Theor Biol Med Model (2016 Mar 2) 13:8. Abstract/Full Text
- Diabetes: T2DM risk prediction in populations of African descent.
- Chung ST, Sumner AE.
- Nat Rev Endocrinol (2016 Mar) 12:131-2. Abstract/Full Text
- A1C Combined With Glycated Albumin Improves Detection of Prediabetes in Africans: The Africans in America Study.
- Sumner AE, Duong MT, Aldana PC, Ricks M, Tulloch-Reid MK, Lozier JN, Chung ST, Sacks DB.
- Diabetes Care (2016 Feb) 39:271-7. Abstract/Full Text
- Biochemical and clinical deficiency is uncommon in African immigrants despite a high prevalence of low vitamin D: the Africans in America study.
- Thoreson CK, Chung ST, Ricks M, Reynolds JC, Remaley AT, Periwal V, Li Y, Sumner AE.
- Osteoporos Int (2015 Nov) 26:2607-2615. Abstract/Full Text
- Sickle Cell Trait from a Metabolic, Renal, and Vascular Perspective: Linking History, Knowledge, and Health.
- Thoreson CK, O'Connor MY, Ricks M, Chung ST, Sumner AE.
- J Racial Ethn Health Disparities (2015 Sep) 2:330-5. Abstract/Full Text
- Cardiometabolic Health in African Immigrants to the United States: A Call to Re-examine Research on African-descent populations.
- Commodore-Mensah Y, Himmelfarb CD, Agyemang C, Sumner AE.
- Ethn Dis (2015 Aug 7) 25:373-80. Abstract/Full Text
- Evaluation of hemoglobin A1c measurement by Capillarys 2 electrophoresis for detection of abnormal glucose tolerance in African immigrants to the United States.
- Zhao Z, Basilio J, Hanson S, Little RR, Sumner AE, Sacks DB.
- Clin Chim Acta (2015 Jun 15) 446:54-60. Abstract/Full Text
- Analysis of variants and mutations in the human winged helix FOXA3 gene and associations with metabolic traits.
- Adler-Wailes DC, Alberobello AT, Ma X, Hugendubler L, Stern EA, Mou Z, Han JC, Kim PW, Sumner AE, Yanovski JA, Mueller E.
- Int J Obes (Lond) (2015 Jun) 39:888-92. Abstract/Full Text
- Association of adiponectin with type 2 diabetes and hypertension in African American men and women: the Jackson Heart Study.
- Davis SK, Gebreab SY, Xu R, Riestra P, Khan RJ, Sumner AE, Hickson D, Bidulescu A.
- BMC Cardiovasc Disord (2015 Feb 25) 15:13. Abstract/Full Text
- Detection of abnormal glucose tolerance in Africans is improved by combining A1C with fasting glucose: the Africans in America Study.
- Sumner AE, Thoreson CK, O'Connor MY, Ricks M, Chung ST, Tulloch-Reid MK, Lozier JN, Sacks DB.
- Diabetes Care (2015 Feb) 38:213-9. Abstract/Full Text
- Racial differences between African-American and white women in insulin resistance and visceral adiposity are associated with differences in apoCIII containing apoAI and apoB lipoproteins.
- Wang L, Sacks FM, Furtado JD, Ricks M, Courville AB, Sumner AE.
- Nutr Metab (Lond) (2014) 11:56. Abstract/Full Text
- Neck circumference is a predictor of metabolic syndrome and obstructive sleep apnea in short-sleeping obese men and women.
- Cizza G, de Jonge L, Piaggi P, Mattingly M, Zhao X, Lucassen E, Rother KI, Sumner AE, Csako G, NIDDK Sleep Extension Study.
- Metab Syndr Relat Disord (2014 May) 12:231-41. Abstract/Full Text
- Weight Loss Programs May Have Beneficial or Adverse Effects on Fat Mass and Insulin Sensitivity in Overweight and Obese Black Women.
- Leon B, Miller BV 3rd, Zalos G, Courville AB, Sumner AE, Powell-Wiley TM, Walter MF, Waclawiw MA, Cannon RO 3rd.
- J Racial Ethn Health Disparities (2014) 1:140-147. Abstract/Full Text
- The uncertain significance of low vitamin D levels in African descent populations: a review of the bone and cardiometabolic literature.
- O'Connor MY, Thoreson CK, Ramsey NL, Ricks M, Sumner AE.
- Prog Cardiovasc Dis (2013 Nov-Dec) 56:261-9. Abstract/Full Text
- Free fatty acid flux in African-American and Caucasian adults--effect of sex and race.
- Nielsen SR, Sumner AE, Miller BV 3rd, Turkova H, Klein S, Jensen MD.
- Obesity (Silver Spring) (2013 Sep) 21:1836-42. Abstract/Full Text
- Sex-associated differences in free fatty acid flux of obese adolescents.
- Adler-Wailes DC, Periwal V, Ali AH, Brady SM, McDuffie JR, Uwaifo GI, Tanofsky-Kraff M, Salaita CG, Hubbard VS, Reynolds JC, Chow CC, Sumner AE, Yanovski JA.
- J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2013 Apr) 98:1676-84. Abstract/Full Text
- Gender differences in the association of visceral and subcutaneous adiposity with adiponectin in African Americans: the Jackson Heart Study.
- Bidulescu A, Liu J, Hickson DA, Hairston KG, Fox ER, Arnett DK, Sumner AE, Taylor HA, Gibbons GH.
- BMC Cardiovasc Disord (2013 Feb 22) 13:9. Abstract/Full Text
- Triglyceride-based screening tests fail to recognize cardiometabolic disease in African immigrant and African-American men.
- Yu SS, Ramsey NL, Castillo DC, Ricks M, Sumner AE.
- Metab Syndr Relat Disord (2013 Feb) 11:15-20. Abstract/Full Text
- Health disparities in endocrine disorders: biological, clinical, and nonclinical factors--an Endocrine Society scientific statement.
- Golden SH, Brown A, Cauley JA, Chin MH, Gary-Webb TL, Kim C, Sosa JA, Sumner AE, Anton B.
- J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2012 Sep) 97:E1579-639. Abstract/Full Text
- Inconsistent Access to Food and Cardiometabolic Disease: The Effect of Food Insecurity.
- Castillo DC, Ramsey NL, Yu SS, Ricks M, Courville AB, Sumner AE.
- Curr Cardiovasc Risk Rep (2012 Jun) 6:245-250. Abstract/Full Text
- The triglyceride paradox in people of African descent.
- Yu SS, Castillo DC, Courville AB, Sumner AE.
- Metab Syndr Relat Disord (2012 Apr) 10:77-82. Abstract/Full Text
- Postprandial endothelial function does not differ in women by race: an insulin resistance paradox?
- Muniyappa R, Sachdev V, Sidenko S, Ricks M, Castillo DC, Courville AB, Sumner AE.
- Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab (2012 Jan 15) 302:E218-25. Abstract/Full Text
- The waist circumference of risk in black South african men is lower than in men of European ancestry.
- Kalk WJ, Joffe BI, Sumner AE.
- Metab Syndr Relat Disord (2011 Dec) 9:491-5. Abstract/Full Text
- Metabolic syndrome does not detect metabolic risk in African men living in the U.S.
- Ukegbu UJ, Castillo DC, Knight MG, Ricks M, Miller BV 3rd, Onumah BM, Sumner AE.
- Diabetes Care (2011 Oct) 34:2297-9. Abstract/Full Text
- The TG/HDL-C ratio does not predict insulin resistance in overweight women of African descent: a study of South African, African American and West African women.
- Knight MG, Goedecke JH, Ricks M, Evans J, Levitt NS, Tulloch-Reid MK, Sumner AE.
- Ethn Dis (2011 Autumn) 21:490-4. Abstract/Full Text
- Higher acute insulin response to glucose may determine greater free fatty acid clearance in African-American women.
- Chow CC, Periwal V, Csako G, Ricks M, Courville AB, Miller BV 3rd, Vega GL, Sumner AE.
- J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2011 Aug) 96:2456-63. Abstract/Full Text
- Protection from obesity and diabetes by blockade of TGF-β/Smad3 signaling.
- Yadav H, Quijano C, Kamaraju AK, Gavrilova O, Malek R, Chen W, Zerfas P, Zhigang D, Wright EC, Stuelten C, Sun P, Lonning S, Skarulis M, Sumner AE, Finkel T, Rane SG.
- Cell Metab (2011 Jul 6) 14:67-79. Abstract/Full Text
- Jackson Heart Study: A Perspective at Ten Years.
- Knight MG, Sumner AE.
- Curr Cardiovasc Risk Rep (2011 Jun 1) 5:197-199. Abstract/Full Text
- A better index of body adiposity.
- Bergman RN, Stefanovski D, Buchanan TA, Sumner AE, Reynolds JC, Sebring NG, Xiang AH, Watanabe RM.
- Obesity (Silver Spring) (2011 May) 19:1083-9. Abstract/Full Text
- Age is positively associated with high-density lipoprotein cholesterol among African Americans in cross-sectional analysis: the Jackson Heart Study.
- Harman JL, Griswold ME, Jeffries NO, Sumner AE, Sarpong DF, Akylbekova EL, Walker ER, Wyatt SB, Taylor HA Jr.
- J Clin Lipidol (2011 May-Jun) 5:173-178. Abstract/Full Text
- Diagnosis of the metabolic syndrome is associated with disproportionately high levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein in non-Hispanic black adolescents: an analysis of NHANES 1999-2008.
- DeBoer MD, Gurka MJ, Sumner AE.
- Diabetes Care (2011 Mar) 34:734-40. Abstract/Full Text
Last Reviewed July 2024