A selection of recent and significant publications can be viewed below.
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Select Publications
- ABEL-FRET: tether-free single-molecule FRET with hydrodynamic profiling.
- Wilson H, Wang Q.
- Nat Methods (2021 Jul) 18:816-820. Abstract/Full Text
- Joint Detection of Change Points in Multichannel Single-Molecule Measurements.
- Wilson H, Wang Q.
- J Phys Chem B (2021 Dec 16) 125:13425-13435. Abstract/Full Text
- A bottom-up perspective on photodynamics and photoprotection in light-harvesting complexes using anti-Brownian trapping.
- Squires AH, Wang Q, Dahlberg PD, Moerner WE.
- J Chem Phys (2022 Feb 21) 156:070901. Abstract/Full Text
- Phase-separating pyrenoid proteins form complexes in the dilute phase.
- He G, GrandPre T, Wilson H, Zhang Y, Jonikas MC, Wingreen NS, Wang Q.
- Commun Biol (2023 Jan 7) 6:19. Abstract/Full Text
Additional Publications
- Single-molecule diffusometry reveals no catalysis-induced diffusion enhancement of alkaline phosphatase as proposed by FCS experiments.
- Chen Z, Shaw A, Wilson H, Woringer M, Darzacq X, Marqusee S, Wang Q, Bustamante C.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2020 Sep 1) 117:21328-21335. Abstract/Full Text
- Single-molecule diffusometry reveals the nucleotide-dependent oligomerization pathways of Nicotiana tabacum Rubisco activase.
- Wang Q, Serban AJ, Wachter RM, Moerner WE.
- J Chem Phys (2018 Mar 28) 148:123319. Abstract/Full Text
- Dissecting pigment architecture of individual photosynthetic antenna complexes in solution.
- Wang Q, Moerner WE.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2015 Nov 10) 112:13880-5. Abstract/Full Text
- Single-molecule spectroscopy and imaging over the decades.
- Moerner WE, Shechtman Y, Wang Q.
- Faraday Discuss (2015) 184:9-36. Abstract/Full Text
- Ground-state proton transfer kinetics in green fluorescent protein.
- Oltrogge LM, Wang Q, Boxer SG.
- Biochemistry (2014 Sep 23) 53:5947-57. Abstract/Full Text
- Single-molecule motions enable direct visualization of biomolecular interactions in solution.
- Wang Q, Moerner WE.
- Nat Methods (2014 May) 11:555-8. Abstract/Full Text
- Single-molecule spectroscopy reveals photosynthetic LH2 complexes switch between emissive states.
- Schlau-Cohen GS, Wang Q, Southall J, Cogdell RJ, Moerner WE.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2013 Jul 2) 110:10899-903. Abstract/Full Text
- Lifetime and spectrally resolved characterization of the photodynamics of single fluorophores in solution using the anti-Brownian electrokinetic trap.
- Wang Q, Moerner WE.
- J Phys Chem B (2013 Apr 25) 117:4641-8. Abstract/Full Text
- Probing single biomolecules in solution using the anti-Brownian electrokinetic (ABEL) trap.
- Wang Q, Goldsmith RH, Jiang Y, Bockenhauer SD, Moerner WE.
- Acc Chem Res (2012 Nov 20) 45:1955-64. Abstract/Full Text
- An Adaptive Anti-Brownian ELectrokinetic trap with real-time information on single-molecule diffusivity and mobility.
- Wang Q, Moerner WE.
- ACS Nano (2011 Jul 26) 5:5792-9. Abstract/Full Text
- Optimal strategy for trapping single fluorescent molecules in solution using the ABEL trap.
- Wang Q, Moerner WE.
- Appl Phys B (2010 Apr 1) 99:23-30. Abstract/Full Text