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  4. Theresa Teslovich Woo, Ph.D.

Theresa Teslovich Woo, Ph.D.

Theresa Woo.
Human behavior, developmental cognitive neuroscience, and brain-based mechanisms involved in obesity and diabetes

Responsibilities & Activities

As a program director in the Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology, & Metabolic Diseases, I oversee the Human Behavioral Neuroscience of Obesity and Diabetes research program. This research program supports applications including basic experimental studies in humans as well as observational studies that explore brain-behavior relationships and how these bidirectional interactions may impact metabolic health including diabetes and obesity. Conversely, studies that investigate the effects of obesity, diabetes and metabolic perturbations on behavior, cognition, and brain structure are also included in this portfolio.

Research Programs

Bioengineering, Biotechnology, & Imaging as applied to Diabetes, Metabolic, & Endocrine Diseases
Functional and metabolic imaging in adipose, pancreas and other metabolic organs

Clinical Research in Type 1 Diabetes
Determinants, etiology, progression, prevention, and treatment of type 1 diabetes in children and adults.

Clinical Research in Type 2 Diabetes
Progression and treatment of type 2 diabetes in children and adults. Dissemination and Implementation science. Community engaged research methodologies.

Diabetes: Treatment, Prevention, & Complications
The Diabetes: Treatment, Prevention, and Complications Program supports both basic and clinical studies aimed at addressing the prevention, treatment and pathophysiology of type 1 and type 2 diabetes across the lifespan.

Neurobiology of Obesity
Neurobiology of energy homeostasis and peripheral metabolism. Basic studies on homeostatic and hedonic contributions to obesity and type 2 diabetes. Neurobiology of food appraisal, motivation, memory and foraging.

Committees & Working Groups

  • NIDDK Neuroscience of Obesity Working Group, Member
  • NIDDK Obesity Research Working Group, Member
  • NIDDK Pancreas Working Group, Member
  • Clinical Sciences Working Group, Member
Last Reviewed March 2024