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Acquisitions & Property Branch

Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Acquisitions & Property Branch.

Name Email Address Phone Number Title
Oundo, Lynn 301-496-5175 Director, Office of the Director Administrative Management Branch (ODAMB) & Acquisitions and Property Branch
Kittrell, Tiffany 240-551-3702 Chief of Acquisitions and Property

Commercial Management Office

Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Commercial Management Office.

Name Email Address Phone Number Title
Friel, Kevin 703-346-8372 CMO Acquisition Lead (Contractor)
Bramlett, Jasmine 808-859-0314 Senior Acquisition Analyst (Contractor)
Hardy, Melanie 433-615-3698 Acquisition Analyst (Contractor)
Macri, Astrid 240-370-4282 Acquisition Analyst (Contractor)

Purchasing Office

Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Purchasing Office.

Name Email Address Phone Number Title Research Description
Jeffries, Christina 301-496-3550 Purchasing Manager
Canlas, Vivienne 301-827-5438 Purchasing Agent Purchasing Team
Hill, Michelle 301-827-6027 Purchasing Agent Purchasing Team
Hipkins, Danielle 301-435-6670 Purchasing Agent Purchasing Team
Nolasco, Jocelyn 301-555-5555 Program Analyst Purchasing Team
Peck, Justine 602-440-6574 Lead Purchasing Agent Purchasing Team
Ruff, Megan 301-827-5598 Purchasing Agent Purchasing Team
Sands, Lauren 301-451-8215 Lead Purchasing Agent Purchasing Team
Washington, Taylor 301-827-5760 Purchasing Agent Purchasing Team

Property Team

Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Property Team.

Name Email Address Phone Number Title Research Description
Caraballo, Candy 301-827-4395 Property Accountability Officer Property Management Branch
Donatien, Kayla 301-480-4102 Property Custodial Officer Property Management Branch
Ordono, Annie 301-827-4395 Inventory Management Specialist Property Management Branch
Rodriguez Villalobos, Paola 301-480-1569 Property Custodial Officer Property Management Branch