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  5. Lifestyle Changes and Treatments for Managing Erectile Dysfunction

Lifestyle Changes and Treatments for Managing Erectile Dysfunction

Men out there: if you have erectile dysfunction or ED, there's probably one thing on your mind – how to treat it.

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Men out there: if you have erectile dysfunction or ED, there's probably one thing on your mind — how to treat it.

Hi, I’m Dr. Griffin Rodgers, Director of the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases at NIH.

While medical conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease, and heart disease can cause ED, making healthy lifestyle changes may help you regain sexual function. You should quit smoking, drink less alcohol, increase physical activity, and lose weight.

Your doctor may also recommend treatments for ED, such as medications or devices to increase blood flow, counseling to help reduce stress, or surgery to reconstruct arteries or to implant a device.

To learn more about ED and other urinary conditions affecting men, follow us @NIDDKgov. This is Dr. Griffin Rodgers.

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