Understanding Weight Loss Procedure Options

Are you considering a weight loss procedure? It's crucial to know your options and how they work.

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DR. RODGERS: Are you considering a weight loss procedure? It's crucial to know your options and how they work.

Hi, I’m Dr. Griffin Rodgers with the National Institutes of Health.

My colleague Dr. Susan Yanovski, the co-director of NIDDK’s Office of Obesity Research, explains:

DR. YANOVSKI: Bariatric Surgical procedures are designed to help people with obesity to lose weight and improve their health. For example, gastric sleeve and gastric bypass work by reducing the amount of food your stomach can hold or changing how your body digests food. Both can lead to large amounts of weight loss. Intragastric balloons, a less invasive outpatient procedure, involves placing a balloon in the stomach to help you feel full sooner, but leads to less weight loss which is usually not maintained when the device is removed.

When considering these options, it’s vital to discuss with your doctor the benefits, risks, and how they fit into your lifestyle and health goals.

DR. RODGERS: Follow us @NIDDKgov.

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