Read about decreased functional status and quality of life (QOL) issues that frequently complicate progressive CKD.
A doctor provides an overview of kidney disease medications and their relation to other conditions, such as high blood pressure.
Albuminuria may be a sign of CKD. A urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio on a spot urine specimen is the recommended test to assess and monitor urine albumin.
A doctor explains that kidney damage caused by chronic kidney disease (CKD) is usually permanent, and how kidney treatment works to prevent further damage.
In honor of NIDDK’s 70th anniversary, learn about some of the study results we’ve discovered through funding our research areas.
Diet therapy is critical for patients with chronic kidney disease. Primary care providers, fill out this form to share important patient data with the consulting dietitian.
Find clinical tools and patient management resources for health care professionals on diabetes, digestive diseases, kidney disease, and weight management.
As kidney disease progresses, read about when it may be appropriate to consult with a nephrologist and how to facilitate better collaborative care.
Diet therapy is critical for patients with CKD. Read about working with registered dietitians and how dietitian referrals can benefit your patients.
Read these Q & As on using urinalysis to screen for kidney disease in children.​​
As we wrap up the end of 2019, here are the most popular posts of the year, plus three posts you may have missed.
Dr. Jeffrey Kopp shares how health care professionals can prepare patients who have kidney disease for disaster situations.
These GFR calculators use equations with or without cystatin C to estimate kidney function, excluding race.
Use these GFR calculators to estimate how well kidneys are working for adults and children.
Talking points and descriptive images to help providers explain urine albumin and eGFR test results to patients.
Easy-to-read patient education tool for explaining urine albumin and GFR results. Includes talking points for providers. (English)
Dr. Lawrence Appel discusses the link between high blood pressure and kidney disease, and the importance of early detection and management.
A doctor offers advice on how to reduce your risk for kidney disease through a healthy diet and lifestyle, and yearly testing for kidney disease.
A doctor explains the two tests for chronic kidney disease (CKD): blood test, which checks your Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR), and a urine test.
How do obesity and type 2 diabetes affect heart and kidney health? Learn about how these conditions are connected, and how these links can affect your patients with type 2 diabetes.
A provider explains what to expect after surgery and offers advice on how to recover quickly and safely.
Early detection and treatment of CKD may improve prognosis in all age groups. Read about key markers to detect CKD and why it’s important to establish etiology.
Overview of the steps to identifying and managing patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD).
A provider explains to a patient why an AV fistula is needed several months prior to dialysis.
A provider explains why an AV fistula is placed before hemodialysis begins and how hemodialysis treatment works.
A doctor discusses the benefits and limits of receiving a kidney transplant.
A doctor explains the relationship between heart disease and chronic kidney disease (CKD), emphasizing the importance of blood pressure control to reduce the risk of both these diseases.
If you have diabetes or kidney disease, it's important to be careful about the medicines you take. Some medicines may harm your kidneys, especially if you are sick with the flu or diarrhea.
Self-management is an important component of patient care. Find tools to help educate patients with and at risk for chronic kidney disease.
Find clinical tools and patient education materials on kidney disease prevention and management, clinical trial referrals, and continuing education courses.
Dr. Andrew Narva discusses why it’s important for health care professionals to consider a team-based approach to kidney health.
Dr. Clarissa Diamantidis provides insight about opportunities and challenges of health IT to enhance care for people with chronic kidney disease.
NIDDK's major laboratory measurement and reporting efforts address are critical to promoting early detection and management of chronic kidney disease CKD.
Helps busy health care professionals manage adult CKD patients in the primary care setting.
CKD management involves an interdisciplinary approach. Read about tracking disease progression and implementing interventions to help manage CKD.
Hear Dr. George Bakris discuss what providers should know before they refer their patients to a nephrologist.
Dr. C. Blake Cameron discusses the benefits and harms of metformin use in people with diabetes and CKD.
Read about identifying and treating CKD patients at highest risk for rapid progression to end stage renal disease (ESRD).
Collaborative management between primary care providers (PCP) and nephrologists may improve patient outcomes. PCPs, fill out this form to share important patient data with the consulting nephrologist.
Learn about preparing patients who develop kidney failure for the possibility of kidney replacement therapy.
These GFR calculators use previous equations with race to estimate GFR for adults and children.
Information about assessing urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio and estimated glomerular filtration rate to help them evaluate patients for kidney disease.
This animation demonstrates how prescription and non-prescription drugs affect blood flow through the kidneys.
Chronic kidney disease is generally progressive and irreversible. Learn about steps providers and patients can take to slow progression.
Resources for managing patients who have chronic kidney disease and encouraging them to build healthy habits.
The following videos demonstrate two communication techniques that can be used to foster more effective conversations and increase patient understanding.
Andrew S. Narva, MD, FACP, FASN, discusses the importance of integrating early detection of chronic kidney disease in primary care settings.
Dr. Meda Pavkov discusses the importance of talking about kidney disease risk factors with patients who have diabetes.
As eGFR declines, complications and comorbidities occur more commonly and are more severe. Read about treating them.