Diabetes Discoveries & Practice Blog

Dig into the Data without the Dollars

Health care provider accessing clinical data and samples on a computer.

Don’t reinvent the wheel. NIDDK Repositories offer a warehouse of low-cost, vetted clinical study data and samples.

Have you ever read a journal article and wanted to dig deeper into the data set—or been struck by a new hypothesis you want to test?

The NIDDK Central Repository houses vetted data, genetic samples, and an array of biologic specimens from groundbreaking studies such as the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial/Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications studies, the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) and its Outcomes Study (DPPOS)—all at your fingertips. What does that mean for you? It means you don’t have to start from scratch! Researchers can use quality data sets from the original studies to test new hypotheses without having to collect new data.

The resources are created from publicly available information and biosamples provided by NIDDK-funded clinical investigators, projects, and publications. They come from studies on diabetes, obesity, and liver and kidney diseases, among others.

In this video, Dr. Rebekah Rasooly provides an overview of the NIDDK Repositories and outlines some examples of the repository’s uses in a NIDDK Director’s Update article.

Explore available study resources with options to search by keyword, study acronym, whether the study has specimens and which type, genotype data, and more. Search study documents—including forms, manuals, and study protocol or study background documents, along with papers associated with studies with samples in the repository—and many more types of information.

What types of research data do you use in your work?


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