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NIH Workshop on Biomarkers of Dietary Intake and Exposure: Exploration with Omics Approaches

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Event Details


Nutritional epidemiological studies explore the relation between dietary constituents and human health and disease risk. However, these studies are often confounded by the limitations in documenting food consumption and exposure. There is no perfect way to verify dietary adherence in intervention studies although, the information is important to link the impacts of nutrients/ dietary constituents on health outcomes. A critical need exists for ideal biological markers that provide independent assessment of intake and dietary exposure.

A recent surge in the application of high throughput omics approaches such as transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics to biomedical research, allows simultaneous interrogation of various pathways, in an unbiased manner. These approaches enable identification of biological signatures that accurately predict dietary intake/exposure, and health status, and may serve as potential biomarkers. While these high throughput technologies are evolving as reliable platforms, and allow measurements in non-invasively collected biological specimens, many methodological and statistical limitations undermine their application to nutritional biomarker research. There is a critical need to consider the utility of biomarkers in nutrition research and to explore further how omics approaches can enable the development of reliable markers, either alone or in combination with conventional approaches. The main objective of the current workshop is to engage nutrition and omics researchers in a 2-day workshop and explore the potential of omics approaches for nutritional biomarker research. Recommendations from the workshop will be communicated to the research community and may form the basis for future research initiatives.

Some of the issues that will be explored include, but are not limited to:

  1. Dietary biomarkers definitions and their utility in nutrition research (nutritional status/ assessment, dietary intake, and exposure)
  2. Statistical considerations for an ideal biomarker in nutrition research- intake and assessment
  3. Strategies for dietary biomarker discovery, employing omics approaches
  4. Strategies for developing efficient and cost-effective study designs for conducting dietary biomarker validation studies- Lessons from large cohort studies

Planning Members

Padma Maruvada, NIDDK, Division of Digestive Diseases

Bob Karp, NIDDK, Division of Digestive Diseases

Voula Osganian, NIDDK, Division of Digestive Diseases

Chris Lynch, NIDDK, Division of Digestive Diseases

Maren Laughlin, NIDDK, Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology, & Metabolic Diseases

Chris Mullins, NIDDK, Division of Kidney, Urologic, & Hematologic Diseases

Nancy Emenaker, NCI, Nutritional Science Research Group

Linda Duffy, NCCIH, Division of Extramural Research

Roger Little, NIDA, Division of Neurosciences & Behavior

Johanna Dwyer, OD, Office of Dietary Supplements

Deirdra Chester, USDA, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

David Klurfeld, USDA, Agricultural Research Service

Holly Nicastro, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

Registration Deadline

September 19, 2018

Event Logistics


Registration Closed
Registration ended


Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center
5701 Marinelli Road
North Bethesda, MD 20852

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Program Contact

Program Director, NIDDK

Program Analyst, NIDDK

Meeting Logistics

The Scientific Consulting Group, Inc.

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