Alcoholic and Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis: Pathogenesis and Mechanisms of Liver Injury Joint NIAAA-NIDDK Research Workshop
Event Details
Thank you for your interest in registering for the “Alcoholic and Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis: Pathogenesis and Mechanisms of Liver Injury Joint NIAAA-NIDDK Research Workshop.” We regret to inform you that we are no longer accepting registrations. There has been an overwhelming response and consequently our meeting venue capacity has been reached.
Recognizing the immense interest in alcoholic and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, the meeting organizers will be summarizing the meeting presentations into a manuscript for publication. We hope that the eventual meeting summary publication will be of use in your scientific endeavors.
Traditionally, alcoholic and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease have been considered distinct entities, separable on the basis of clinical history of alcohol exposure. Nevertheless, the two diseases resemble each other histologically and may well share underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms. Sharing of ideas and interactions between the research communities that focus on alcoholic and nonalcoholic liver injury might well enrich both fields, by generating new ideas and directions in elucidating the causes and developing therapies for these two important liver diseases.
This research workshop is being jointly sponsored by the NIAAA and NIDDK with the aim of bringing together research investigators in these two fields, and summarizing the current state of the science of various pathophysiological mechanisms that lead to fatty liver injury. A particular focus will be on how the possible pathologic mechanism might be shared or distinct in alcoholic versus nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Specific areas of research will include hepatocyte cell injury, modes of death including apoptosis, pyroptosis, and necroptosis, injury and stress pathways, lipid synthesis and metabolism, cytokines and immune signaling, the microbiome, genetic factors, systems biology and mechanisms of the complications of chronic fatty liver. The organizers of the Research Workshop plan to summarize the presentations and discussions as a manuscript for publication which will focus on the current most promising and challenging opportunities in research on the pathophysiology of alcoholic and nonalcoholic liver injury and how collaborations between these two research communities might best advance the understanding of these two similar but distinct liver diseases.
Organizing Committee
Mark Czaja
Jackie Maher
Vijay Shah
Laura Nagy
Svetlana Radaeva
Joe Wang
Bonnie Burgess-Beusse
Edward Doo
Jay Hoofnagle
Registration Deadline
September 10, 2019
Event Logistics
Lister Hill Auditorium
Building 38A
NIH Main Campus
Program Contacts
Edward Doo
T: 301-451-4524
Lauren Meskill
T: 301-402-7503
Meeting Logistics
Danielle Johnikin
The Scientific Consulting Group, Inc.
T: 301-670-4990