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  4. Neuroimaging and Modulation in Obesity and Diabetes Research 10th Anniversary Meeting
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Neuroimaging and Modulation in Obesity and Diabetes Research 10th Anniversary Meeting

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Event Details Agenda Abstracts

Event Details

Meeting publication can be found at https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34934178/.


The meeting is designed to bring together experts in neuroscience, neurocognition, neuroimaging, neurotechnology development and application, and obesity and diabetes to review the state of the science and technology in the neuroimaging and modulation space for obesity and diabetes-relevant research to help guide future research directions.

Meeting Objectives

The purpose of the meeting is to look back on the past 10 years of what has been done in the neuroimaging and modulation space, including specifically in obesity and diabetes (but not exclusively) and then look forward to what existing advances or tools/technologies on the horizon should shape the next 10 years of research in obesity and diabetes. Three questions we have considered when thinking about putting together this program are:

  1. What have we done?
  2. What are we missing?
  3. What can we do moving forward?

Registration Deadline

April 10, 2019

Event Logistics


Registration Closed
Registration ended


Natcher Conference Center
Building 45, Balcony B/C
NIH Main Campus
Bethesda, MD 20892

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Program Contact
Luke Stoeckel

Maren Laughlin

Meeting Logistics
David Henson
The Scientific Consulting Group, Inc.

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