A selection of recent and significant publications can be viewed below. Visit to view a list of models by publication citation.
Select Publications
- Pulsatile Basal Insulin Secretion Is Driven by Glycolytic Oscillations.
- Fletcher PA, Marinelli I, Bertram R, Satin LS, Sherman AS.
- Physiology (Bethesda) (2022 Jul 1) 37:0. Abstract/Full Text
- A Mathematical Model-Derived Disposition Index Without Insulin Validated in Youth With Obesity.
- Ha J, Kim JY, Springer M, Chhabra A, Chung ST, Sumner AE, Sherman AS, Arslanian S.
- J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2025 Feb 18) 110:706-714. Abstract/Full Text
- The astroglial and stem cell functions of adult rat folliculostellate cells.
- Fletcher PA, Smiljanic K, Prévide RM, Constantin S, Sherman AS, Coon SL, Stojilkovic SS.
- Glia (2023 Feb) 71:205-228. Abstract/Full Text
- Type 2 diabetes: one disease, many pathways.
- Ha J, Sherman A.
- Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab (2020 Aug 1) 319:E410-E426. Abstract/Full Text
- A Mathematical Model of the Pathogenesis, Prevention, and Reversal of Type 2 Diabetes.
- Ha J, Satin LS, Sherman AS.
- Endocrinology (2016 Feb) 157:624-35. Abstract/Full Text
Additional Publications
- Slow oscillations persist in pancreatic beta cells lacking phosphofructokinase M.
- Marinelli I, Parekh V, Fletcher P, Thompson B, Ren J, Tang X, Saunders TL, Ha J, Sherman A, Bertram R, Satin LS.
- Biophys J (2022 Mar 1) 121:692-704. Abstract/Full Text
- Do oscillations in pancreatic islets require pacemaker cells?
- Peercy BE, Sherman AS.
- J Biosci (2022) 47. Abstract/Full Text
- When MINMOD Artifactually Interprets Strong Insulin Secretion as Weak Insulin Action.
- Ha J, Muniyappa R, Sherman AS, Quon MJ.
- Front Physiol (2021) 12:601894. Abstract/Full Text
- Metabolic characteristics of Africans with normal glucose tolerance and elevated 1-hour glucose: insight from the Africans in America study.
- Briker SM, Hormenu T, DuBose CW, Mabundo LS, Chung ST, Ha J, Sherman A, Tulloch-Reid MK, Bergman M, Sumner AE.
- BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care (2020 Jan) 8. Abstract/Full Text
- Common and diverse elements of ion channels and receptors underlying electrical activity in endocrine pituitary cells.
- Fletcher PA, Sherman A, Stojilkovic SS.
- Mol Cell Endocrinol (2018 Mar 5) 463:23-36. Abstract/Full Text
- How Adaptation Makes Low Firing Rates Robust.
- Sherman AS, Ha J.
- J Math Neurosci (2017 Dec) 7:4. Abstract/Full Text
- Hemoglobin Glycation Index Is Associated With Cardiovascular Diseases in People With Impaired Glucose Metabolism.
- Ahn CH, Min SH, Lee DH, Oh TJ, Kim KM, Moon JH, Choi SH, Park KS, Jang HC, Ha J, Sherman AS, Lim S.
- J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2017 Aug 1) 102:2905-2913. Abstract/Full Text
- Deciphering the regulation of P2X4 receptor channel gating by ivermectin using Markov models.
- Mackay L, Zemkova H, Stojilkovic SS, Sherman A, Khadra A.
- PLoS Comput Biol (2017 Jul) 13:e1005643. Abstract/Full Text
- Modeling the diversity of spontaneous and agonist-induced electrical activity in anterior pituitary corticotrophs.
- Fletcher PA, Zemkova H, Stojilkovic SS, Sherman A.
- J Neurophysiol (2017 Jun 1) 117:2298-2311. Abstract/Full Text
- Islets Transplanted Into the Eye: Do They Improve Our Insight Into Islet Adaptation to Insulin Resistance?
- Satin LS, Ha J, Sherman AS.
- Diabetes (2016 Sep) 65:2470-2. Abstract/Full Text
- Paracrine regulation of glucagon secretion: the β/α/δ model.
- Watts M, Ha J, Kimchi O, Sherman A.
- Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab (2016 Apr 15) 310:E597-E611. Abstract/Full Text
- Phase Analysis of Metabolic Oscillations and Membrane Potential in Pancreatic Islet β-Cells.
- Merrins MJ, Poudel C, McKenna JP, Ha J, Sherman A, Bertram R, Satin LS.
- Biophys J (2016 Feb 2) 110:691-699. Abstract/Full Text
- Chronic Glucose Exposure Systematically Shifts the Oscillatory Threshold of Mouse Islets: Experimental Evidence for an Early Intrinsic Mechanism of Compensation for Hyperglycemia.
- Glynn E, Thompson B, Vadrevu S, Lu S, Kennedy RT, Ha J, Sherman A, Satin LS.
- Endocrinology (2016 Feb) 157:611-23. Abstract/Full Text
- Modeling of glucose-induced cAMP oscillations in pancreatic β cells: cAMP rocks when metabolism rolls.
- Peercy BE, Sherman AS, Bertram R.
- Biophys J (2015 Jul 21) 109:439-49. Abstract/Full Text
- Allosteric regulation of the P2X4 receptor channel pore dilation.
- Zemkova H, Khadra A, Rokic MB, Tvrdonova V, Sherman A, Stojilkovic SS.
- Pflugers Arch (2015 Apr) 467:713-26. Abstract/Full Text
- Pulsatile insulin secretion, impaired glucose tolerance and type 2 diabetes.
- Satin LS, Butler PC, Ha J, Sherman AS.
- Mol Aspects Med (2015 Apr) 42:61-77. Abstract/Full Text
- Subcutaneous adipose cell size and distribution: relationship to insulin resistance and body fat.
- McLaughlin T, Lamendola C, Coghlan N, Liu TC, Lerner K, Sherman A, Cushman SW.
- Obesity (Silver Spring) (2014 Mar) 22:673-80. Abstract/Full Text
- Calcium and Metabolic Oscillations in Pancreatic Islets: Who's Driving the Bus?(*).
- Watts M, Fendler B, Merrins MJ, Satin LS, Bertram R, Sherman A.
- SIAM J Appl Dyn Syst (2014) 13:683-703. Abstract/Full Text
- Slow oscillations of KATP conductance in mouse pancreatic islets provide support for electrical bursting driven by metabolic oscillations.
- Ren J, Sherman A, Bertram R, Goforth PB, Nunemaker CS, Waters CD, Satin LS.
- Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab (2013 Oct 1) 305:E805-17. Abstract/Full Text
- Dual gating mechanism and function of P2X7 receptor channels.
- Khadra A, Tomić M, Yan Z, Zemkova H, Sherman A, Stojilkovic SS.
- Biophys J (2013 Jun 18) 104:2612-21. Abstract/Full Text
- Osinga HM, Sherman A, Tsaneva-Atanasova K.
- Discrete Contin Dyn Syst Ser A (2012 Aug) 32:2853-2877. Abstract/Full Text
- Gating properties of the P2X2a and P2X2b receptor channels: experiments and mathematical modeling.
- Khadra A, Yan Z, Coddou C, Tomić M, Sherman A, Stojilkovic SS.
- J Gen Physiol (2012 May) 139:333-48. Abstract/Full Text
- Phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase modulates oscillations of pancreatic islet metabolism.
- Merrins MJ, Bertram R, Sherman A, Satin LS.
- PLoS One (2012) 7:e34036. Abstract/Full Text
- Calcium-dependent block of P2X7 receptor channel function is allosteric.
- Yan Z, Khadra A, Sherman A, Stojilkovic SS.
- J Gen Physiol (2011 Oct) 138:437-52. Abstract/Full Text
- Dynamical systems theory in physiology.
- Sherman A.
- J Gen Physiol (2011 Jul) 138:13-9. Abstract/Full Text
- Calcium cooperativity of exocytosis as a measure of Ca²+ channel domain overlap.
- Matveev V, Bertram R, Sherman A.
- Brain Res (2011 Jun 29) 1398:126-38. Abstract/Full Text
- Investigating the role of T-cell avidity and killing efficacy in relation to type 1 diabetes prediction.
- Khadra A, Pietropaolo M, Nepom GT, Sherman A.
- PLoS One (2011 May 10) 6:e14796. Abstract/Full Text
- Experimental characterization and mathematical modeling of P2X7 receptor channel gating.
- Yan Z, Khadra A, Li S, Tomic M, Sherman A, Stojilkovic SS.
- J Neurosci (2010 Oct 20) 30:14213-24. Abstract/Full Text
- Lessons from models of pancreatic beta cells for engineering glucose-sensing cells.
- Sherman A.
- Math Biosci (2010 Sep) 227:12-9. Abstract/Full Text
- How pancreatic beta-cells discriminate long and short timescale cAMP signals.
- Peercy BE, Sherman AS.
- Biophys J (2010 Jul 21) 99:398-406. Abstract/Full Text
- Metabolic oscillations in pancreatic islets depend on the intracellular Ca2+ level but not Ca2+ oscillations.
- Merrins MJ, Fendler B, Zhang M, Sherman A, Bertram R, Satin LS.
- Biophys J (2010 Jul 7) 99:76-84. Abstract/Full Text
- Full system bifurcation analysis of endocrine bursting models.
- Tsaneva-Atanasova K, Osinga HM, Riess T, Sherman A.
- J Theor Biol (2010 Jun 21) 264:1133-46. Abstract/Full Text
- Pioglitazone increases the proportion of small cells in human abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue.
- McLaughlin TM, Liu T, Yee G, Abbasi F, Lamendola C, Reaven GM, Tsao P, Cushman SW, Sherman A.
- Obesity (Silver Spring) (2010 May) 18:926-31. Abstract/Full Text
- Inflammation in subcutaneous adipose tissue: relationship to adipose cell size.
- McLaughlin T, Deng A, Yee G, Lamendola C, Reaven G, Tsao PS, Cushman SW, Sherman A.
- Diabetologia (2010 Feb) 53:369-77. Abstract/Full Text
- Electrical bursting, calcium oscillations, and synchronization of pancreatic islets.
- Bertram R, Sherman A, Satin LS.
- Adv Exp Med Biol (2010) 654:261-79. Abstract/Full Text
- Glucose metabolism, islet architecture, and genetic homogeneity in imprinting of [Ca2+](i) and insulin rhythms in mouse islets.
- Nunemaker CS, Dishinger JF, Dula SB, Wu R, Merrins MJ, Reid KR, Sherman A, Kennedy RT, Satin LS.
- PLoS One (2009 Dec 23) 4:e8428. Abstract/Full Text
- Accounting for near-normal glucose sensitivity in Kir6.2[AAA] transgenic mice.
- Tsaneva-Atanasova K, Sherman A.
- Biophys J (2009 Nov 4) 97:2409-18. Abstract/Full Text
- Differential intra-abdominal adipose tissue profiling in obese, insulin-resistant women.
- Liu A, McLaughlin T, Liu T, Sherman A, Yee G, Abbasi F, Lamendola C, Morton J, Cushman SW, Reaven GM, Tsao PS.
- Obes Surg (2009 Nov) 19:1564-73. Abstract/Full Text
- Ca2+ current versus Ca2+ channel cooperativity of exocytosis.
- Matveev V, Bertram R, Sherman A.
- J Neurosci (2009 Sep 30) 29:12196-209. Abstract/Full Text
- Newcomer insulin secretory granules as a highly calcium-sensitive pool.
- Pedersen MG, Sherman A.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2009 May 5) 106:7432-6. Abstract/Full Text
- Insulin resistance is associated with a modest increase in inflammation in subcutaneous adipose tissue of moderately obese women.
- McLaughlin T, Deng A, Gonzales O, Aillaud M, Yee G, Lamendola C, Abbasi F, Connolly AJ, Sherman A, Cushman SW, Reaven G, Tsao PS.
- Diabetologia (2008 Dec) 51:2303-8. Abstract/Full Text
- Identifying the targets of the amplifying pathway for insulin secretion in pancreatic beta-cells by kinetic modeling of granule exocytosis.
- Chen YD, Wang S, Sherman A.
- Biophys J (2008 Sep) 95:2226-41. Abstract/Full Text
- Resetting behavior in a model of bursting in secretory pituitary cells: distinguishing plateaus from pseudo-plateaus.
- Stern JV, Osinga HM, LeBeau A, Sherman A.
- Bull Math Biol (2008 Jan) 70:68-88. Abstract/Full Text