Lab Members

Our Staff

David Taylor
Staff Scientist
Geny Zhao.
Geny Zhao

Our Fellows

Hongbing Liu.
Hongbing Liu
Research Fellow

Natural products discovery, NMR and MS methods for structure determination

Shannon Ohlemacher.
Shannon Ohlemacher
NIH Postdoctoral Fellow

Antibiotic production and discovery by actinobacteria, including the application of mass spectrometry-based metabolomics; global stress response pathways and their role in the regulation of antibiotic production in actinobacteria.

Jack Davison.
Jack Davison
Nancy Nossal Postdoctoral Fellow

Natural products biosynthesis and the use of genomics for target identification and discovery of biosynthetic enzymes of gene clusters

Jiadong Sun.
Jiadong Sun
Postdoctoral Fellow

Natural products discovery, NMR and MS methods for structure determination, engineering and development of glycan-targeting antiviral proteins

Shelby Holland.
Shelby Holland
Postbac IRTA
Ankith Laichetty.
Ankith Laichetty
AMGEN Scholars NIH Summer Intern
Last Reviewed February 2024