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  5. Fellows Career Development & Recruitment Office

Fellows Career Development & Recruitment Office

The Fellows Career Development and Recruitment Office (FCDRO) for the NIDDK Division of Intramural Research provides outstanding service and support to trainees and fellows. NIDDK fellows are in various stages of their career—high school; undergraduate; postbaccalaureate; medical school, residency, and fellowship; graduate, Ph.D., and postdoctoral—and conduct biomedical research in NIDDK’s state-of-the-art labs and cores at the NIH headquarters in Bethesda, MD and the epidemiologic and clinical research hub in downtown Phoenix, AZ.

Lorraine Moore, Christine Krieger, Sandy Redman-Gomez, and Angel de la Cruz standing outside and smiling.

Our office provides support and guidance to about 350 trainees per year , the fifth largest group among the NIH institutes. We are deeply involved in all facets of the training experience and work closely with fellows throughout their programs. Our portfolio of activities includes but is not limited to

  • recruiting fellows
  • leading summer internship programs
  • leading orientation for postbaccalaureate and postdoctoral fellows
  • coordinating seminars, workshops, and other opportunities for professional and career development, including grant writing, job counseling, and networking
  • secondary mentoring for fellows, including tracking research progress and individual development plans and submitting applications for additional research grants to NIH’s Division of Intramural Research
  • collaborating with the NIDDK Fellows Advisory Board (FAB) on organizing the Annual NIDDK Fellows Conference

Contact the Fellows Career Development and Recruitment Office

Email (for fastest response): NIDDKfellowships@nih.gov
Mention topic of inquiry in subject line.

3 Center Drive
Building 3, Room 2E16
Bethesda, MD 20892

Access Fellows Career Development and Recruitment Office staff and contact information.

Last Reviewed September 2024