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  4. NIDDK Central Repository Non-renewable Sample Access (X01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

NIDDK Central Repository Non-renewable Sample Access (X01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

The NIDDK Central Repositories house valuable biological samples and data from numerous major clinical studies. This initiative allows investigators to apply for access to non-renewable samples from one or more of these studies. Information about the samples available can be found at https://repository.niddk.nih.gov. Applicants must provide a report from the NIDDK Central Repositories documenting sample availability.

Funding Opportunity Details

NOT-OD-24-084; NOT-DK-24-011; NOT-OD-23-120; NOT-OD-23-012; NOT-OD-22-190

Rebecca M. Rodriguez, Ph.D

Key Dates


30 days prior to application due date.