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  8. Urological Epidemiology (UroEpi) Institutional Research Career Development Program

Urological Epidemiology (UroEpi) Institutional Research Career Development Program

Most recent NIDDK funding announcement: RFA-DK-20-001

Program Description

This Program invites institutional career development program (K12) applications in the area of epidemiology of benign urological conditions. This institutional program will provide scholars with research and/or clinical doctoral degrees (including MD, PhD, MD/PhD, DrPH) with the skills and resources necessary to initiate an independent research career in the epidemiology of benign urological conditions within the mission of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). This program allows appointment of Scholars proposing to gain research experience in a clinical trial led by another investigator, as part of their research and career development.

Individuals supported by the UroEpi programs (scholars) may have any professional or research doctorate degree, as long as they are committed to research concerning non-malignant urologic conditions. Supported scholars are directed in their research and in their professional development by experienced mentors.

Prospective scholars should reach out to the named Program Director at the site where you desire to pursue an appointment.

Active Sites

UCSF-Kaiser Urological Epidemiology Research Career Development Program

Institution: University of California, San Francisco, CA
Program DirectorAlison Huang, M.D., M.A.S.
Institution: Kaiser Permanente Northern California, CA
Program DirectorStephen Van Den Eeden, Ph.D.

University of Michigan UroEpi Career Development Program

Institution: Regents University of Michigan, MI
Program DirectorAruna Sarma, Ph.D.

NIDDK Program Staff 

Last Reviewed November 2024