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P30: Diabetes Research Center Application Resources

Most recent NIDDK funding announcement: RFA-DK-25-008


Diabetes Research Centers that are designed to support and enhance the national research effort in diabetes, its complications, and related endocrine and metabolic diseases. Diabetes Research Centers support two primary research-related activities: Research Core services and a Pilot and Feasibility (P and F) program. All activities pursued by Diabetes Research Centers are designed to enhance the efficiency, productivity, effectiveness, and multidisciplinary nature of research in Diabetes Research Center topic areas. The NIDDK Diabetes Research Centers program in 2022 consists of 16 Centers each located at outstanding research institutions with documented programs of excellence in diabetes-related research. General information about the NIDDK Diabetes Research Centers program may be found at www.diabetescenters.org.

Tables for P30 Centers for Diabetes Research Centers (DRC) Applications

Applicants are strongly encouraged to use the following tables as part of their DRC application. These forms may be modified for future DRC renewal funding opportunities.

* Documents in Excel format require the free Microsoft Excel Viewer application for viewing.


Letters of Intent

  • May 20, 2024


  • June 18, 2024 by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization

Staff Contacts

Corinne Silva, Ph.D.

Last Reviewed October 2024