RC2 Frequently Asked Questions

The following Questions and Answers provide detailed information to help you adequately document your plans to share data resources with the community as required in the RC2 Resource Sharing Plan.

Describe 1) the types of scientific data that will be accrued, 2) the amount of data that will be accrued during the proposed funding period; and 3) appropriate data file formats, accepted standards, definitions and identifiers. Describe any associated metadata, or other information that is required to interpret the raw data, including how the data will be aggregated and/or processed. This type of information could include protocols, instrumentation standards and modes of data collection. If data is derived from human participants or specimens, then a plan for how this data will be de-identified must be included.

Describe those tools and software, together with version number and parameter settings, that are used to process and analyze the data that is being accrued. Explain why the software was chosen, whether the software is free and open source and if not, identify a plan for other researchers to access the data, including potential alternative software that may be used to analyze the data. Provide a plan for updating use of software as it becomes available as well as a plan to import data into a usable format once the project period has ended.

Indicate where each type of data will be deposited and who will be responsible for depositing the data. If data will be stored in an existing repository then a URL should be provided. Data should be deposited in an established repository, and the selection, description, and location of the established repository should be specified in the plan. If established repositories do not exist for the dataset, the plan should describe the newly created repository, how it will be maintained, and how it will be made accessible to the research community, including whether a persistent unique identifier or other standard indexing tools will be used. Applicants are encouraged to obtain Research Resource Identifiers (RRID) through the NIDDK Information Network (dkNet). Describe plans for maintaining the security and integrity of the data including whether data generated from humans will be available through unrestricted or restricted access. Provide any back-up plans for storing data as well as alternatives if needed and any potential roadblocks to depositing data or making data accessible to the research community.

Provide a plan for the timeline for data sharing, when each type of data will be deposited and when it will be made accessible to the research community. Explain what types of data (raw, metadata, aggregated data) will be made available and when as well as how data accessibility will be announced to the community. NIDDK expects that data accrued from RC2 projects will be made available to the research community within one year of data validation or upon publication, whichever comes first. Describe the plan for validating each type of data. Explain reason(s) and alternative plans for data sharing if meeting this one-year deadline for data release will not be possible. Clearly describe the process by which the research community will be able to access the data. Provide a plan for sustaining and making the data available after the project period has ended.

Describe any provisions that will govern the appropriate reuse and redistribution of the data while ensuring broadest sharing, as appropriate. Describe any relevant data sharing agreement, licensing terms and how intellectual property, including inventions, and other proprietary rights will be managed.

Last Reviewed October 2024