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  5. Frequently Asked Questions: KPMP Tissue Interrogation Sites (TIS)

Frequently Asked Questions: KPMP Tissue Interrogation Sites (TIS)

Applicants should anticipate that the KPMP will obtain at least 200 research biopsies per year and propose technologies with a sample throughput adequate to interrogate a significant fraction of these tissues.

Yes. Each TIS may propose multiple complementary technologies or propose technologies that can be integrated with other TIS into a comprehensive analytical pipeline.

The KPMP Steering Committee will be responsible for prioritizing methods and distribution of biopsy tissue for analysis.

The KPMP Tissue Interrogation Site Approval Committee (TISAC) has developed a rigorous process for evaluating proposed tissue interrogation technologies using reference kidney tissue (e.g., human nephrectomy) to ensure they are ready to be used on the precious biopsies obtained from KPMP patient participants. TISAC approval involves submission and peer review of a detailed research portfolio documenting feasibility, understanding of preanalytical variables, reproducibility, performance over time, strengths and limitations, and complementarity to other KPMP tissue interrogation technologies. You can find more detail at KPMP's for Researchers page and in the paper A Multimodal and Integrated Approach to Interrogate Human Kidney Biopsies with Rigor and Reproducibility: The Kidney Precision Medicine Project.

Several TISAC-approved technologies have been deployed, with protocols, data and metadata published on KPMP's for Researchers page.

Yes, but your protocol will need to be reviewed by TISAC prior to receiving KPMP biopsies for interrogation.