Urologic Disease Centers
Enhance the effectiveness of research related to urologic dysfunction by encouraging collaboration amongst investigators.
NIDDK Program Staff
- Christopher Mullins, Ph.D. Kidney and Urology Cell Biology
- Deepak Nihalani, Ph.D. O’Brien Kidney Centers; Kidney HIV/AIDS; Clinical Translational Studies; Urology HIV/AIDS
NIDDK funds Urologic Disease Centers via U54 NIH external link or P20 NIH external link. Check the Current Funding Opportunities table for available opportunities.
Resources and Services Available from the Urologic Disease Centers
The O’Brien Urology Centers conduct basic, translational, and clinical research into the pathophysiology of urologic diseases and conditions. The Centers, whose collaborations are coordinated by the CAIRIBU (Collaborating for the Advancement of Interdisciplinary Research in Benign Urology) Interactions Core, generate, and provide investigative resources that are available to the broader research community. They often have integrated teams of investigators from a wide range of disciplines, share specialized equipment, and serve as regional or national resources. The Centers also support pilot and feasibility studies, collaborative research activities and offer short-term educational enrichment activities.
O’Brien Urology Centers
University of Wisconsin Center External link- Research Aims: The goal of the center is to identify factors within the bladder and prostate that result in urinary dysfunction in aging men
- Activities & Services
- Supports three research projects, pilot and feasibility program, summer research program, an annual symposium, and a Rodent Urinary Function Testing Core
- Pilot & Feasibility Program External link
- Research Aims: The goal of the center is to address questions related to the genetic, cellular, and metabolic events that lead to lower urinary tract disorders such as lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and urinary tract infection (UTI), and devise new methods for prevention and treatment.
- Activities & Services
- Supports three research projects, a Microbial Genomics Biomedical Core, a pilot and feasibility program, a summer student research program, an annual symposium, mouse models or urologic disorders and genetic resources
- Pilot & Feasibility Program External link
- Research Aims: The goal of the center is to utilize molecular and cellular methodologies to characterize and improve understanding of the pathophysiology of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and facilitate identification of specific treatments.
- Activities & Services
- Supports two research projects, a Biospecimen/Bioimaging Core, a pilot and feasibility program, and a summer student research program.
- Pilot & Feasibility Program External link
Urology Centers Program Interaction Core
The Urology Centers Interactions Core, housed at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, broadly coordinates the activities of the Urology Centers Program, including interactions with the Urology K Programs and the broader urology research community through an umbrella effort known as CAIRIBU (Collaborating for the Advancement of Interdisciplinary Research in Benign Urology) External link.
Research Aims: The goals of the Interactions Core are to support the Centers Programs by providing administrative support for education and resource sharing, and by promoting transdisciplinary research and training of new investigators in the CAIRIBU network.
Related Links
NIDDK Active Trials in Urologic Disease NIH external link
View related clinical trials from ClinicalTrials.gov.
NIH Study Sections NIH external link
Study sections conduct initial peer review of applications in a designated scientific area. Visit the NIH’s Center for Scientific Review website to search for study sections.
Research Resources
NIDDK makes publicly supported resources, data sets, and studies available to researchers to accelerate the rate and lower the cost of new discoveries.
- Ancillary Studies to Major Ongoing Clinical Studies to extend our knowledge of the diseases being studied by the parent study investigators under a defined protocol or to study diseases and conditions not within the original scope of the parent study but within the mission of the NIDDK.
- NIDDK Central Repository for access to clinical resources including data and biospecimens from NIDDK-funded studies.
- NIDDK Information Network (dkNET) External link for simultaneous search of digital resources, including multiple datasets and biomedical resources relevant to the mission of the NIDDK.
Additional Research Programs
NIDDK supports the training and career development of medical and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and physician scientists through institutional and individual grants.
Learn about NIDDK Research Training ProgramsSmall Business Programs
NIDDK participates in the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs. These programs support innovative research conducted by small businesses that has the potential for commercialization.
Learn about NIDDK Small Business ProgramsHuman Subjects Research
NIDDK provides funding for pivotal clinical research, from preliminary clinical feasibility to large multi-center studies.
Learn about Human Subjects ResearchNIDDK provides funding opportunities and resources to encourage translation of basic discoveries into novel therapeutics.
Learn about NIDDK Translational Research Opportunities-
NIH Common Fund
Learn about current projects and view funding opportunities sponsored by the NIH Common Fund NIH external link.
Planning to Apply? Register Early
Registration is required at eRA Commons NIH external link and grants.gov External link and can take 4 weeks.