Search Results
- information on diabetes management and treatment options
Prepare for Kidney Replacement Therapy
/health-information/professionals/clinical-tools-patient-management/kidney-disease/identify-manage-patients/manage-ckd/prepare-kidney-replacement-therapyTreatment options include conservative management (no dialysis), hemodialysis (HD), peritoneal dialysis (PD), and kidney transplantation. Even...
Clearinghouses & Health Information Center
/health-information/community-health-outreach/information-clearinghousesof Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Health Information Center Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET, M-F Chat: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET, M-F Email...
The Course of Type 2 Diabetes and Complication Onset in Youth Today
/news/archive/2013/course-type-2-diabetes-complication-onset-youthFour new analyses of data from the Treatment Options for type 2 Diabetes in Adolescents and Youth (TODAY) trial have revealed important information...
Advanced Health Information Search
/health-information/professionals/advanced-searchAdvanced Health Information Search, Find patient education and practice tools for diagnosis and treatment of diabetes, digestive diseases, kidney...
NIH-funded study: Early, intensive treatment may be needed for some youth with type 2 diabetes
/news/archive/2015/today-durable-control-summaryblood glucose levels, according to the latest findings of the Treatment Options for Type 2 Diabetes in Youth study (TODAY). Results of the study, funded...
Community Health & Outreach
/health-information/community-health-outreachView program guides, toolkits, and other materials on weight management, diabetes, kidney disease, and other topics to use in your community....
Using Health Information Technology to Identify and Manage CKD Populations
/news/meetings-workshops/2015/ckd-populations-2015information technology, CKD, population health management, NIDDK, kidney disease, PMH...
Health Information Technology Working Group
/research-funding/research-programs/kidney-clinical-research-epidemiology/health-information-technologySciences University of Calgary Ken Kawamoto, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Chief Medical Information Officer Director of Knowledge Management...
National Kidney Disease Education Program
/health-information/community-health-outreach/information-clearinghouses/nkdepNational Kidney Disease Education Program, kidney disease, chronic kidney disease, kidney disease management, kidney disease prevention, CKD...
Kidney Disease Education Lesson Builder
/health-information/professionals/education-cme/kidney-disease-education-lesson-buildersession content, information for learners that can be printed and ordered, clinical information for educators, sample outcome assessment questions...
- information on diabetes management and treatment options