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Healthy Moments Logo and Dr. Griffin Rodgers
The Healthy Moments logo and Dr. Griffin Rodgers

Healthy Moments Radio Broadcast

One-minute tips on living a healthy lifestyle featuring Dr. Griffin Rodgers, Director of NIDDK.

Latest Episodes

The nine most recent English episodes appear below. Spanish episodes are also available. Check back weekly for new episodes!

For college athletes, physical activity is routine. But staying active throughout life benefits us all, especially if you are living with diabetes.

Will you let diabetes get in the way of achieving your dreams?

How will you balance your diabetes care with new levels of independence and competing priorities at college?

Detecting thyroid cancer is getting easier, thanks to research.

You’ve heard the phrase, “easy come, easy go.” When it comes to holiday weight gain, don’t expect the weight to go as easily as it came.

Are you ready to make a New Year’s resolution about your health you can really stick to?

Did you know that losing a little weight can help you lower your chances of getting type 2 diabetes?

Eating healthy can help you keep your New Year’s resolution to lose weight and keep it off. But can you eat healthy on a budget?

It’s normal to feel stressed at times when living with diabetes.

Featured Video

A Healthy Moments playlist of videos, including Spanish, is available on NIDDK's YouTube channel.

In this Healthy Moments episode, NIDDK Director Dr. Griffin P. Rodgers talks about tips for eating healthy on a budget and finding low-cost recipe ideas.

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Last Reviewed December 2024