Lab News

Dr. Jun Seishima awarded a JSPS Research Fellowship for studies

Congratulations to Dr. Jun Seishima for his successful application for a 2-year JSPS Research Fellowship.

Dr. Akira Nishio recognized for research on immune reponses of patients with hepatitis

Congratulations to Dr. Akira Nishio for receiving a travel grant from the Organizing Committee of the 2021 International HBV Meeting. He will give an oral presentation on immune factors that limit the treatment response of patients with hepatitis B.

Sharika Hasan wins Outstanding Poster Award

Congratulations to Sharika Hasan for receiving an outstanding poster award at the NIH 2021 Virtual Postbac Poster Day. This year 950 posters were judged by teams of graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, clinical fellows, and staff scientists/staff clinicians. A perfect conclusion to your research time at NIH prior to entering medical…

Dr. Benedikt Hild wins Best Oral Presentation award at 16th Annual NIDDK Scientific Conference

Congratulations to Dr. Benedikt Hild for winning the Best Oral Presentation award for his work “Neonatal Exposure to a Wild-Derived Microbiome Protects Against Diet-Induced Obesity”. This work is now published.