Career Level: High School & Undergraduate Student

  1. High School & Undergraduate Student
  2. Doctoral & Medical Student
  3. Post
  4. Junior
  5. Established Investigator

NIDDK and NIH offer many programs for high school and undergraduate students to gain experience in biomedical research. Contact NIDDK training program staff with questions well in advance of deadlines. 

NIH Summer Programs

NIDDK Intramural laboratories, located on NIH campuses, participate in the NIH summer programs for students.

Explore NIH summer programs

NIDDK Research and Training Opportunities for Students

NIDDK Undergraduate Summer Research Programs in Kidney, Urologic, and Hematologic Diseases

The Division of Kidney, Urologic and Hematologic Diseases (KUH) supports summer research programs targeted to undergraduates. Please visit the individual programs for details:

See About Funding Mechanisms for an overview of mechanisms commonly used by NIDDK to fund researchers.

Last Reviewed November 2024