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  4. Corinne M. Silva, Ph.D.

Corinne M. Silva, Ph.D.

Photo of Corinne Silva
Circadian rhythms, Metabolic Signaling Pathways, Clock Protein Role in Gene Expression, Diabetes, Obesity

Responsibilities & Activities

I oversee a portfolio of grants the focus on the role of circadian rhythms in metabolic disease. This portfolio supports both basic and translational research that addresses the integration between metabolic pathways and circadian rhythms in metabolic diseases such as diabetes and obesity. These studies address the integration between metabolic and circadian signaling pathways in metabolic tissues (e.g. liver, adipose, muscle, pancreas) in response to diet, exercise, nutrients and feeding time in both animal models as well as in human studies. Mechanistic studies include focus on the interactions between transcription factors and clock proteins as mediators of gene expression and glucose and lipid metabolism as well as the role of circadian rhythms and clock proteins in communication between metabolic tissues. Human studies address the role of time-restricted feeding (TRF) paradigms, or food timing, on metabolic outcomes and pathways in metabolic disease such as prediabetes, T2D and obesity.

In addition, I oversee a smaller but growing portfolio of research grants that focuses on the role of the intrauterine environment in metabolic disease of the offspring. These grants include both basic and translational studies that investigate the mechanisms by which the intrauterine environment alters metabolic responses in the offspring. Research focuses on elucidating the signals that mediate these long-term effects including, but not limited to, intracellular signaling pathways, inflammatory cytokines, nutrient sensing pathways, and epigenetic imprinting. The goal of this research is to identify molecular targets that could be used therapeutically to prevent metabolic disease.

Research Programs

Endocrinology & Hormone Signaling
Hormone and nutrient sensing by the central nervous system, and coordination of energy homeostasis with the stress and reproductive axes in the brain.

Metabolism, Energy Balance & Obesity
Energy balance, thermogenesis, and the control of metabolism by the autonomic nervous system in obesity and diabetes.

Obesity, Pregnancy, & the Intrauterine Environment
Impact of metabolic dysfunction on the intrauterine environment and subsequent metabolic health of mother and offspring.

Pathophysiology of Diabetes & Metabolic Disease
Whole body intermediary carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism, energy balance, thermogenesis and mitochondria biology in obesity and diabetes

Committees & Working Groups

  • NIDDK Data Science Working Group, Member
  • Trans-NIH Sleep Research Coordinating Committee, NIDDK representative
  • NIDDK Obesity Research Working Group, Member
Last Reviewed March 2024