Diabetes, Endocrinology, & Obesity Branch
Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Diabetes, Endocrinology, & Obesity Branch.
Name | Email Address | Title |
Reitman, Marc | marc.reitman@nih.gov | Chief |
Quiel, Juan | juan.quiel@nih.gov | Technical Lab Manager |
Clinical Endocrinology Section
Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Clinical Endocrinology Section.
Name | Email Address | Title |
Muniyappa, Ranganath | ranganath.muniyappa@nih.gov | Senior Clinician |
Energy Homeostasis Section
Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Energy Homeostasis Section.
Name | Email Address | Title |
Reitman, Marc | marc.reitman@nih.gov | Section Chief |
Pinol Manchon, Ramon | ramon.pinolmanchon@nih.gov | Staff Scientist |
Xiao, Cuiying | cuiying.xiao@nih.gov | Staff Scientist |
Energy Metabolism Section
Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Energy Metabolism Section.
Name | Email Address | Title |
Chen, Kong | kong.chen@nih.gov | Section Chief |
Integrative Cellular Metabolism Section
Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Integrative Cellular Metabolism Section.
Name | Email Address | Title |
Rane, Sushil | ranes@nih.gov | Section Chief |
Lee, Jihyeon | ji-hyeon.lee@nih.gov | Biologist |
Neuromodulation and Motivation Section
Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Neuromodulation and Motivation Section.
Name | Email Address | Title |
Lutas, Andrew | andrew.lutas@nih.gov | Acting Section Chief |
Section on Ethnicity and Health
Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Section on Ethnicity and Health.
Name | Email Address | Title |
Sumner, Anne | anne.sumner@nih.gov | Section Chief |
Section on Motivational Processes Underlying Appetite
Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Section on Motivational Processes Underlying Appetite.
Name | Email Address | Title |
Krashes, Michael | michael.krashes@nih.gov | Section Chief |
De Araujo Salgado, Isabel | isabel.dearaujosalgado@nih.gov | Post-Doc |
Li, Chia | chia.li@nih.gov | Staff Scientist |
Liang-Guallpa, Jing | jing.liang-guallpa@nih.gov | Graduate Student |
Navarrete, Jovana | jovana.navarrete@nih.gov | Post-Bac |
Section on Nutritional and Metabolic Neuroimaging
Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Section on Nutritional and Metabolic Neuroimaging.
Name | Email Address | Title |
Darcey, Valerie | valerie.darcey@nih.gov | Acting Section Chief |
Section on Pediatric Diabetes, Obesity, and Metabolism
Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Section on Pediatric Diabetes, Obesity, and Metabolism.
Name | Email Address | Title |
Chung, Stephanie | stephanie.chung@nih.gov | Acting Section Chief |
Malandrino, Noemi | noemi.malandrino@nih.gov | Staff Clinician |
Section on Translational Diabetes and Metabolic Syndromes
Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Section on Translational Diabetes and Metabolic Syndromes.
Name | Email Address | Title |
Brown, Rebecca | rebecca.brown@nih.gov | Section Chief |
Lightbourne, Marissa | marissa.lightbourne@nih.gov | Assistant Research Physician |
Section on Translational Endocrinology
Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Section on Translational Endocrinology.
Name | Email Address | Title |
Nieman, Lynnette | lynnette.nieman@nih.gov | Section Chief |
Translational Physiology Section
Select staff are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Read a description of the Translational Physiology Section.
Name | Email Address | Title |
Cypess, Aaron | aaron.cypess@nih.gov | Section Chief |