Concept Clearances

Approved Concepts for Requests for Applications (RFAs), Program Announcements (PAs), and Requests for Proposals (RFPs)

Concepts represent an early planning stage for potential NIDDK initiatives and describe their basic purpose, scope, and objectives. Through the Concept Clearance process, NIDDK receives input from the NIDDK Advisory Council regarding the merits of research concepts. Council approval of a concept does not guarantee it will become a funded initiative; that decision is made based on scientific and programmatic priorities and the availability of funds.

Concepts presented to the NIDDK Advisory Council will be posted on the NIDDK website to enhance transparency and make the NIDDK research community aware of potential initiatives. The resultant initiative, in the form of program announcements (PA/PAR/PAS), requests for applications (RFA), and requests for proposals (RFP), may differ from the concepts in the final wording of the titles or other programmatic or scientific aspects.


September 2024

The KUH Division of the NIDDK has worked to strengthen institutional training by creating highly connected cohorts of trainees...

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May 2024

The Accelerating Medicines Partnership (AMP), is a pre-competitive collaboration among government, academia, and industry to improve the ongoing efforts to develop new therapies for complex, heterogeneous diseases...

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The application of digital health technology to the management of T2D is at an inflection point and comes at a time where a paradigm shift in the approach to T2D is urgently needed...

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The Centers for Diabetes Translation Research (CDTR) program was established in 2011 to improve translation of research findings related to diabetes prevention, treatment, and health equity...

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Advances in biomaterials, microfluidics, and tissue engineering have resulted in microphysiological systems (MPSs) that allow for greater control of three-dimensional cell cultures...

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The Liver Cirrhosis Network (LCN) was established in Aug 2021 by the NIDDK through Request for Applications (DK-20-003 and 004) with subsequent integrated support by the NIAAA; and the NCI...

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Truly innovative, breakthrough discoveries often come from disruptive, risky research. Such innovative research must be supported by an equally innovative and nimble funding program...

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The purpose of this initiative is to promote development of innovative, enabling tools and technologies in the areas of kidney, urologic, and hematologic diseases.

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This initiative encourages innovative basic, translational, or clinical research on NIH HIV/AIDS priority research within NIDDK’s mission by facilitating exploratory and developmental research...

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This concept seeks support for continuation of the NIDDK George M. O’Brien Urology Cooperative Research Centers (U54) and the Urology Centers Interactions Core (U24)...

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This request is to continue support of the IIDP. IIDP facilitates the distribution of human islets and associated samples including plasma, serum, peripancreatic lymph nodes as well as acinar, ductal and duodenal tissues...

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Acute kidney injury (AKI) is associated with high morbidity, including increased risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD), end-stage kidney disease (ESKD), cardiovascular disease, and mortality...

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An asymptomatic renal stone in the kidney is like a time bomb! Patients are anxious not knowing what will happen to them and when, as symptomatic stone events are unpredictable and can vary in intensity...

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Patients with kidney disease are frustrated by the generic standard of care management that includes a series of treatments with low likelihood of kidney preservation and significant risk for toxicity...

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We are requesting renewal of Initiative #1065 “Renewal of the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) - Diabetes Components” for the purpose of continuing the diabetes-related questions...

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The field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other data science technology is rapidly advancing, presenting new and revolutionary opportunities...

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Bidirectional brain-visceral organ communication plays a critical role in controlling physiological functions that promote health and survival...

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Two primary unanswered questions underlie the current obesity epidemic...

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The Nutrition Obesity Research Centers (NORC) program has been an ongoing program for over 40 years with support for 11 NORCs across the US...

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Obesity in youth remains prevalent and a major public health problem. Since 2020, three anti-obesity medications have been approved...

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CKD-mineral bone disorder (CKD-MBD) is closely linked to the progression of CKD and the development of cardiovascular disease in children and adults...

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One major challenge in Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) is the enormous heterogeneity associated with the disease...

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Understanding the critical importance of including rigorous community engagement in health research, NIDDK seeks to...

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Most people on chronic dialysis develop debilitating fatigue after their dialysis treatment. The scientific literature of post-dialysis fatigue is sparse...

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This initiative seeks to stimulate basic, translational, and clinical HIV/AIDS-related research within the mission of NIDDK that is aligned with NIH HIV/AIDS research priorities...

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The goal of this renewal proposal is to provide institutional support to mentor and develop a cohort of investigators proficient and self-sustaining who can conduct...

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NIH high risk/high reward (HRHR) grant programs supported by the NIH Office of the Director (NIH-OD), including the Pioneer and New Innovator programs, have been highly successful at diversifying and strengthening grant portfolios across NIH...

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The Revisiting Development at KUH: Initiating New Directions, Launching ESIs (ReKINDLE) is an opportunity to rejuvenate the developmental biology field, address core fundamental scientific questions...

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For gastrointestinal (GI) disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), disorders of the gut brain interactions (DGBI), metabolic diseases, and others...

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Shared decision making is a collaborative process that enables and encourages people to play a significant role in the decisions that impact their health...

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The Silvio O. Conte Digestive Diseases Research Core Centers (DDRCC) program seeks to promote synergy between established investigators at domestic institutions who are engaged in digestive and/or liver diseases research...

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Type 1 diabetes is a serious and burdensome chronic disease that usually affects children and young adults. The rate of type 1 diabetes incidence is rising worldwide, especially in the very young...

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THINKER NEXT is an ongoing multi-center trial with an overarching goal to determine if kidneys from HCV-viremic donors can safely be transplanted into HCV negative patients with end-stage renal disease...

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Chronic Kidney Disease of Uncertain Etiology (CKDu) is recognized to cause end stage kidney failure in rural areas of many Low and Middle Income Countries, resulting in a large death toll among the relatively young working age population...

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January 2024

To study the clinical and molecular determinants of type 1 diabetes (T1D) nephropathy and associated clinical outcomes...

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Last Reviewed October 2024